Sazonde does more damage uncharged per tick than charged even without Elysion, which is far more important than the total damage each Sazonde does when it comes to DPS. Personally, I would much more recommend power over swift. Wand with step can evade bosses so incredibly easily and still keep Sazonde ticking on your boss since it's so fast.


Isn't Zandeon stepping the fastest way to move without PP? It's the same as charge stepping except it costs no PP, so you can step indefinitely as long as you have a wand equipped and Wand Lovers activated. I'm a TA noob so I don't know about all the new steps these days though...
Deleted my last post because corrections:

Yes, this is a great use for Zandeon, thanks for suggesting it! Now, the reason I said earlier that subpalette cancelling is slower than weapon palette cancelling is because if your weapon gets sheathed when casting techs (so anything that isn't a wand or jet boots in this case, although you need wand for Zandeon), tech cancelling becomes much slower. First time I ever tested this was with Gunslash (Aiming Shot), hence why I came to that conclusion.