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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyber Meteor View Post
    Charge Parrying : definitly suited for Sword playstyle, Partisan should probably be good too but i don't use that weapon type so i can't confirm. If you're using Wired Lance, no need to bother with this skill, i think... It's worth to add that this skill allows you to go berserk with PAs and you'll hardly see Automate Halfline being used, at lvl5 and with max gear you don't really need to time your charge with ennemies attack as you'll have invicibility frames even after the PA is fully charged (0.7 sec of i-frames for 0.5 sec max of charge time). But now because of this skill idk if it's Tokyo that is so easy or if the skill is just too OP lol (maybe my Austere Sword +40 and my 1750 HP has something to do with it too xD )
    So that HU skill is basically just a "free" charge on charge PA's?

    Meaning and enemy is charging towards me I ten start charging my pa then the enemy attack will not hurt me (while charging the PA not after it has been fully charged)?

  2. #12


    Charge Parrying is a safetynet that Sword probably shouldn't have: I feel ridiculously safe while mobbing now. Helps with uptime tremendously.
    Apple (Ship02) - HuFi Sword - "take damage for better uptime"
    WaifuDfnseForce Founder | OverParse developer | maker of stuff

  3. #13


    Dayum I main sword as HU, I haven't tested this new skill out myself. It sounds pretty legit from what i'm seeing :O

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by TyroneSama View Post
    Charge Parrying is a safetynet that Sword probably shouldn't have: I feel ridiculously safe while mobbing now. Helps with uptime tremendously.
    Charge parrying feels fine.

    A safetynet that should not exist in its current form is automate halfline.

    Shigure ship 2. Credit to agarwood for the picture!

  5. #15


    Is the Br skill worth putting all 5 points into? Or is just 1 enough, the points for a hybrid tree is getting a little tight again :/

  6. #16


    I really like the braver skill, it lets me keep my katana out and regen enough pp without feeling like I need to switch to orbit bow. Orbit bow helps when I need to regen a lot of pp, but most situations feel bad to lose the gear active.

    There are a lot of times when I am about to lose the gear active, and I can only get a hit or two on the boss because of the different phases cycling through the animations. The gear boost helps keep the gear active for just a bit longer. Where before I would have lost the gear, I can recover the gear or maintain it long enough for when I can build the gear back to full.

  7. #17


    I'd say 1 SP is enough (for a hybrid build).

    However, out of curiousity, I actually maxed it on one of my other Br Skill Tree, and took it to UQ to for experimentation; turns out that Katana Gear is pretty much active like all the time, like you can almost have it active forever provided you're constantly on the offensive.
    Last edited by Evangelion X.XX; Feb 2, 2016 at 09:05 PM.

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by cnckoz View Post
    Is the Br skill worth putting all 5 points into? Or is just 1 enough, the points for a hybrid tree is getting a little tight again :/
    I wouldn't put as much emphasis on it for a hybrid build. Hybrid build would imply switching between other weapons than your katana, and that would deactivate the gear that the new skill would be affecting.

    If you have a hybrid build with extra skill points, I'd consider it for sure, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

  9. #19


    Yeah that sounds fair. Thanks for the help everyone.

  10. #20
    Serpent of Flame Keilyn's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    USA - NE2


    I tried the new fighter skill because I play Fighter/Techer and I work a lot on combinations...

    Here is what I found out so far:

    If distributing one point:

    This drops PP consumption to 90% and 95% PP Save. This is good if PP has already been calculated for your build. This skill would have been great to have pre Episode IV, but its here now....and since its here now it means that most builds have already PP factored into them when it comes to boss fights. One point is enough if different attacks are used and PP has already been factored into the build. The player comes out of the attack with some left to use in case things go south...

    If distributing five points:

    You better be using HIGH-COSTING PAs that are in dire need of this. The more expensive the PA, the better this skill is.....but it can demolish things done right.

    Conditions: This skill ONLY works if using TECH ARTS JUST ATTACK's condition of doing JUST ATTACKS on different skills. In short, this does not work on two of the same skills being used back to back...

    Note: This skill is not a substitute for sacrificing PP from your builds. On the surface it seems easy enough to use, but there is a learning curve that once mastered really makes for devastating combos in mobility, support, assault, and defensive combos...
    PSO-2 Info: Ship: 2; ID: セツナヤキ; MCN: ケイリン
    "If you want a bridge between past, present, and future, search for the void and awaken it!"

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