So I've been on and off since the beta, and over the course of my experience, I've come to know, albeit briefly, quite a few people in pso.
Unfortunately, real world commitments/player burn out/etc cause these relationships to go up in smoke and every time I come back, I'm essentially starting from scratch when it comes to having friends and acquaintances in game.
However, making friends this time around seems to be far more difficult than ever.
I'm always playing with an open party, but of the few who will join up, even fewer have anything to say.
I understand that most people playing are speaking solely in team chat nowadays, but the general silence among the English community (that I've encountered [not including b01 noise]) is really starting to get to me.

What I'm looking for are people who want to enjoy the end-game content, but are also willing to use their words, even if only for small talk.
When it comes to chat, I'm pretty much down for whatever.
I used to roleplay a lot back in the day too, so I'm no slouch when it comes to in character shenanigans, and have been looking for a chance to try in pso2.

In the field, I'm not the best player in the world, and my gear is passable at best, but I put in a lot of effort to make sure that I'm not holding the group back.
Following the meta can be rough at times, but I try to keep my skill trees optimised, too.

If my rambling has piqued your interest, please send me a PM or a reply.
I'd love to meet new friends and play this game the way it was intended, because Phantasy Solo Online is killing my feels.

tl;dr looking for friends who will be more than just names on a list