Mint Foie
"In other news today", read the news caster on a young woman's wrist-mounted BEE system. Her long, pointed ears fixated on the report,"A 'hot' new beverage has been making its rounds at night clubs across the colony. Mint Foie is the latest product of the Alred Corporation, producers of most foodstuffs, as well as Hunter staples such as Monomates and Monofluids. However, the nature of this beverage raises concerns among residents."
A sudden nudge from behind brings her out of the story, back to the offices of the Hunters Guild and its pale grey paneled walls. She turns to see a tall blonde man in a blue armored suit.
"Go." he says impatiently, motioning toward the open service counter. A line of Hunters extending all the way back toward the door follows them, showing no sign of letting up since her arrival an hour earlier.
The young woman runs her hand through her scarlet hair and steps forward. A clerk in a green and silver uniform greets her with a smile,"Good morning, Petrice. What can I do for you today?"
"Mornin', Laura." she replies, drawing two cards from her storage unit and hands them to the clerk,"I'm here to renew my Hunters license."
The woman behind the counter looks over the cards and begins punching information into the computer,"Handling things for your sister this month as well, huh?"
"Yeah, Denise is something else." the red head says with a sigh,"I bet she isn't even out of bed yet."
"You know we're technically not allowed to do this."
"I know. I keep telling her she needs to do this herself but she does not seem to understand how important it is. But you know how she is, she'd complain the entire time we're in line."
The clerk places one card down and begins the process again,"How are you holding up these days, anyway? I barely see you anymore."
"Well, you know me, too." Petrice sighs as she leans forward against the counter, shifting her legs,"If I'm not down on the planet under a contract, I'm running errands, and keeping the apartment clean."
"Yeah, I do know you. That's why I'm asking. Did you know you're one of the hardest working members of the Guild? The famous HUnewearl, Photon Drop. You even rank higher than some of the elite Teams. You should really consider taking a day off to relax. Ragol's not going anywhere."
The newman brushes it off with a laugh,"Please. Without me everything would fall apart!"
"Maybe. But you should still consider it."
"Besides that, I have to stay sharp." she adds,"The big Hunt is coming up soon."
"And where does your twin fit into that?"
"I figure she'll start hitting the training arena once the notices are sent out. It'll be alright. She works best under pressure."
"If that's the case you should tell her to renew her license on her own. Put some hot coals under her ass."
"That's different-- I don't want to risk our income being cut."
"If you say so." the clerk says, shaking her head. She places the second card down and pushes them forward stating,"All the information is updated and you're both set for another month."
Petrice picks them up with her black gloved hand and holds them over the BEE system on her opposite arm. A light scans over them, converting them into digital data, and they vanish. The redhead then nods to the clerk,"Thanks Laur', I'll see you around sometime."
The woman behind counter smiles and waves as the Hunter walks away,"We'll see."
As she approaches the door, a short newman Force in a purple jacket calls out to her.
"Hey lady! How long is the wait?", he inquires.
Petrice stops and notices the spiky, green-haired boy in line, the second from the last.
"Oh, you're going to be there a while.", she responds,"At least an hour and a half."
"Are you serious?", he groans, slumping forward,"I had plans today!"
The red-haired woman shrugs her shoulders and flashes a smile,"Sorry kid, nothing that can be done about that. Better get used to it!" She turns away and exits the building, leaving the unfortunate rookie to mope by himself.
Outside of the office, many colorful figures are going about their day. Humans, newmans, and androids shuffle in and out of buildings on various errands. Cutting through the sprawl, the newman woman makes her way across the street to a teleporter. Green rings of light wash over her body as she enters the destination for her jump. In a flash she vanishes, only to rematerialize instantly in a food court. Throughout the area, pleasant melodies play from speakers projecting the image of violinists. A grey path stretches along the green tiled floor, circling the center where many people are seated eating their meals. Along the outer beige walls are various grills and fast-food joints, across are simple vendors with their carts offering light snacks.
Petrice places an order at a place offering particularly delicious looking sandwiches. She pays for her meal and scoots down the counter toward the drink fountain. As she waits for her berry flavored soft drink to pour, she becomes aware of the boy next to her. A kid no older than fourteen, dressed in a simple yellow shirt with grey pants. His eyes dart all over the newman's body, from the heeled boots, to the short-shorts, to what could best be described as an armored tank-top, he simply could not believe at how little her uniform covered. After travelling the length of this red-haired bombshell's figure he realizes she had been staring back at him the whole time.
Her cocked eyebrow and twisted lip give the wide-eyed boy a jolt. He attempts to apologize but can only manage to stutter as the newman stirs away the fizz in her drink. Her glare still affixed toward him, Petrice sticks her finger in her mouth to clean the berry soda from it. She picks up her tray and shoots the boy one last look, sticking her tongue out at him in a cheeky display before walking off to find a table.
Picking a quiet corner, the red head sits down on the white bench and rests her back along the broad, purple cushioning. As she bites into her sandwich, her pointed ears twitch, picking up chatter nearby.
"Oh. My. God. Did you see what that girl was wearing?"
"Whatehfu even is that?"
"I know! That was, like, totes slutty."
"Those Hunters uniforms are so~ last year."
"Don't laugh, she probably forgot what fashion even is."
"Oh my God. Can you even do that? Getting old must suck!"
That was enough. Petrice had to see who these bitches were. She leaned forward to get a view past the white wicker walls seperating the tables. Out to the left was a group of teenager girls in ridiculously elaborate outfits. The closest one to her had her back turned, she was clad in some kind of cyan and magenta dress with a bright pink side cut. The next girl over sported short blue hair with a white jacket that was so bright it hurt to look at. The others were hidden away but Petrice had seen enough. She thought how ridiculous it was that they could laugh at her attire while parading around in those garish outfits.
"Kids these days." she muttered to herself.
With her meal finished, Petrice throws away her trash, and begins walking back to the teleporter, wondering what kind of contracts are available at the Hunter's Guild today.
Elsewhere, a certain twin sister finally decides to begin her day. Still clad in the white tee she calls her pajamas, Denise shuffles around the apartment looking for breakfast. As she sit down with a bowl of cereal, her BEE mailer lets out a chirp, alerting her to a message.
From: KihC KihC KihZ
To: dNice!
U up????? :o :o
Ye :D
Wakey wakey
Eggz n :bacon:
Wut u up 2?
Chk dis out!!!!
[attached file]
Denise puts her hair up into a ponytail and clicks on the link sent to her.
A video from a nightclub begins playing. The bartender produces a bottle that seems to glow a pale blue along with a shot glass. He pours out some of the contents and a shirtless man lifts the glass, looking to the crowd around him, then downs the incandescent fluid. The crowd falls silent. The man then places the glass back down and closes his eyes. Suddenly he tilts his head back, belching out what appears to be a wisp of blue fire, and a rauckus cheer erupts from the crowd. The video ends as the man motions for another.
RITE??????? lml -_- lml
Wut is this?
Looks dangerous o.o;;;
Mint Foie :D :D
Itz DELISH!!!!
Lik marshmellows n peppercorn
Sry autocorrect
Y is it foie tho
Its blue
Shouldnt that b barta???
DID U NOT C THA FIYAHH :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
Lol tru enuf
Were havn a party latr
U shuld pik som up 4 us!!
Ill be there! :airplane:
Once dressed in a pair of tight black pants and a pink tank top with a music note motif, Denise slips the black sleeve with her BEE over her arm, and exits the apartment. A brief walk down the corridor leads her to a teleporter, which then places her outside on the streets below.
Humming a tune, the red head stretches from side to side. She takes a brief glance at the spacecrafts darting about over head and ponders on where she should go to obtain this latest fad beverage. With the first stop in mind she sets off jogging down the road.
A few blocks later she comes to the friendly neighborhood liquor store. Inside she is greeted by the owner, an older bald man sporting a thick mustache. Despite the variety available the newman could not see the kind she wanted. The owner reveals he had sold the last one not long ago, in fact, he pretty much sells them the moment they come in the door.
With the first stop turning out to be a bust, she continues on to the next one. A little hole in the wall called "Sweeney's", frequented by a crowd forgotten by taste, a place Denise loathes to visit. Upon entering she's assaulted by the house music which sounds like nothing more than a vinyl record being shredded by the needle. Her ears fold in pain as she approaches the bar. The barkeep, a man as thin as a post, clad in a red and white striped vest, with bright orange hair swept to the side greets her. The newman inquires about Mint Foie but rebuked as they do not stock "hoity-toity" beverages in this establishment.
Several stops of varying color later, Denise arrives at a store on the other side of the colony right as a delivery truck pulls away. A patron emerges carrying a tall brown bag, inside is illuminated by the trademark blue glow of the item she seeks. She also takes notice of another person heading to the door. Determined to beat them to the punch, she picks up her pace, nearly colliding with them as she reaches for the door. Their profanities fall on deaf ears as the red head dashes in and engages with a brunette human woman stocking the shining spirits.
Panting heavily, she rests her hands on her knees,"Hi. I would like a bottle of that stuff."
One successful transaction later, Denise returns home to find the apartment still empty. She tucks her prize away in the back of the fridge, still in the bag it came in. Barely able to contain her excitement for tonight's party, she begins to dance in place before a sudden realization brings her to a stop.
"Oh no. I have to renew my license!"
Meanwhile, the responsible twin, feeling weary, returns from her mission to Ragol. After updating the employer of the status of his hover bike and receiving her payment, Petrice departs from the Guild to the nearby shopping area. While there she converses with one of the enigmatic Tekkers about a damaged sword she found on on the planet below.
As the robed man appraises the weapon, a woman in an elaborate yellow dress takes notice of the Huntress.
"Ah, PD.", she calls out in a meek voice.
Petrice's blue eyes brighten as she turns to see her raven-haired addresser.
"Contessa!" she cries out, practically leaping across the room to embrace her friend,"Oh it's been forever! How are you?"
"I'm alright." the Force says, fidgeting with her sleeve.
The red head squeels as she grabs her friend's hands and bounces in place. Unwilling to part ways again so soon, she invites the Force to dinner, who accepts graciously.
After sorting affairs with the Tekker, Petrice, with Contessa in tow, depart from the stores. As they pass through the doors, a newman clad in pink slinks out from the corner, and pounces upon the red head.
"Ah! Damnit, Laifa!" Petrice exclaims as she catches herself from falling,"Stop doing that!"
"Making dinner plans without me, eh? I am jealous!", the mischievous newman complains as she drops down from her victim's back.
Waving her hand in dismissal, Petrice extends the invitation. Laifa feigns opposition to the idea at first, flicking her emerald locks to the side and raising her nose in defiance. The display has no effect on the red head, who merely shrugs her shoulders, and continues on her way. As the two pass by the newcomer, she swiftly changes her mind and joins the party.
Some time later, after a stop for take-out, the three friends arrive at Petrice's apartment. After giving Contessa a brief tour of her modest home, they join Laifa, who took it upon herself to get everything set up for their meal. Gathered at the coffee table, a solid oak construction, they dig in and discuss old times.
As the night goes on, drinks are brought out, loosening Contessa's tongue. She speaks passionately about her profession and the importance of mastering the use of techniques to support a party of four. Though they are familiar with techs, the newmen stare blankly, lost in the intricacies as grade school kids at a college for engineering.
One drink turns to two, to three, to four, before Petrice's top becomes too uncomfortable for her. After being goading on by Laifa, she slips out of its confines, and throws it to the ground, declaring it is her home and she is free to do as she likes.
"You know guys," she says, as she puts down another drink,"I'm really glad I ran into you. I was having a shitty day!"
She begins explaining her mission, a simple search and rescue, that eventually turned into a game of hide and seek with a family of Hildebears. To make matters worse, she was eventually confronted by wildlife researchers, who would risk getting mauled to death if it meant chasing off a big, scary Hunter. Then, for all the extra effort spent sneaking around, the target turned out to be a stupid hover bike.
"Pfft. 'researchers'." Laifa scoffs,"I bet those guys were up to something."
"You would be the expert on being up to something, wouldn't you?", Petrice grins as her emerald-haired friend plays coy and returns to her drink.
The red head then recalls the events prior, how her sister's irresponsible behavior was causing her to stress out, and how the teenagers at the food court made her feel so old. Becoming increasingly upset over the course of her story, she slowly sinks into her hands and begins sobbing.
"I just don't feel as cool as I used to!" she whines.
Having heard enough, Contessa speaks up,"Your sister only does what you allow her to do. She may be a little scatter-brained but she is an adult, capable of taking care of herself. If you continue to worry for her sake she will never feel the need to handle anything on her own. Just sit back, relax, and I guarantee you that she will clean up her act without you needing to lift a finger.
As for those dumb kids, they should be no concern to you. Trends come and go all the time. A day will come where they shall look back on their ostentatious dresses with regret, just as we grew out of leg-warmers and shoulder pads."
"Oh, Tess," the red head cries,"That was beautiful. Thank you, that really means a lot to me!"
Reaching for another drink, she finds the entire case had been emptied. Cursing her luck, she climbs to her feet and stumbles toward the fridge. Sifting through the contents, she discovers the brown bag hidden away in the back. Removing the bottle from its paper prison, she stares in awe at its incandescense.
"What the hell is this?" the newman asks. "Mint Foie?"
"Oh, I know what that is!" Laifa calls from the den,"That's the newest craze."
"Yeah but why Foie?" Petrice presses,"This stuff is blue, shouldn't that be Barta?"
Her friend shrugs her shoulders and continues,"I hear it burns like mouthwash. They say nobody can handle more than a little bit of the stuff."
"I'm not so sure about the glowing. Is this even legal?"
"Well sure, it never would have made it to production if regs didn't allow it, right?"
"I guess." the red head says, eyeing the bottle incredulously.
"But just imagine," her trouble-making friend adds,"how cool would someone be if they could manage to drink the entire bottle?"
Moments later, Denise, grumbling to herself having wasted so much time standing around for nothing, returns home. She opens the door to see her sister standing half-nude atop the coffee table while steadily chugging down a drink.
"Woo! Party!" the twin shouts before the nature of the situation sets in. She then rushes over as the last ounces of blue spirits vanish down her sister's throat, and pulls her down from the table.
"Petey, what are you doing?" she says in a panic, clutching her sauced sister by the arms,"Please tell me you didn't"
"She drank the whoooole thing~", Laifa interjects, wearing a smug grin.
"Oh, Petey. Petey, no." the concerned sister stutters,"You're not supposed to drink it like that! You're only supposed to have shots!"
Oblivious to her sister's worry, Petrice giggles as her head rolls. She hiccups and finally becomes aware of Denise's presense. With a satisfied smile the inebriated twin begins to speak, only to loose a stream of light that would put any giant lizard with the intent of razing Tokyo to shame. Though lacking any kind of destructive force, the radiance washes over Denise's face, blowing her hair back. After several seconds the atomic breath wanes and a lull sets in.
"I'm still cool, right Nisa?" she asks as residual wisps slip from the corners of her mouth.
Her twin, who had not moved a muscle since she first pulled her down from the table, slowly opens her eyes. "Yeah, sis." she says with a sigh,"You're still cool."
"Now then," she adds as she places her drunken sister's arm over her shoulders,"Let's get you to bed."
Petrice, stumbling as her twin directs her to her room, stops and asks,"You know what Nisa?"
"What's up, sis?"
"Kids can be jerks sometimes."
"Oh yeah? You'll have to tell me all about it tomorrow.", the normally more whimsical one says as she resumes ushering her sister along.
From: KihC KihC KihZ
To: dNice!
Were u at?
@ home
U still coming??? >>
Or... <<
Sry cant make it
Y???? ;_;
The Last Survivor is back
Nah shes had enuf
Mebbe nex time~
Tell evry1 I said hi
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