On October 31st, the list of winnable items for <a href="sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2496">Blac k Paper's Deal</a> (the sequel to a <a href="sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2423">Dang erous Deal</a>) was altered to include <a href="http://psobb.jp/news/wis/?mode=view&id=101" >two new handguns</a>. These handguns are known as the "Master Raven" and "Last Swan." When combined, they form a mechgun called the "Dual Bird." Also, the droprates for Episode 4 were changed. Finally, several <a href="http://psobb.jp/news/wis/?mode=view&id=97">Japanese Blue Burst ships were removed</a> on November 7th. Only ships 1 through 5 and 99 will remain. Credit goes to <a href="user.php?op=userinfo&uname=halohalo">halohal o</a> for bringing us this news.