Been drinking that juice for over a year, in here, over 3 years.
Been drinking that juice for over a year, in here, over 3 years.
I remember when this forum had intense discussions and online beefs from years ago.
I guess the old topics weren't transferred to the new server. (Sorry, this is the first time in ages I've been back, so I'm not up to date.)
PSN ID: thepeaguy83
Man, I'm surprised PSO World is still around. The forums shut down last year.
Izit 'cause they ran out of?
If so, then jo.o guys better keep themcoming!
Blink & you might miss it! ;3
Oh, keep sig at 600x180 px & 49KB, yah?
3 year juice-aversary? anniversary. Bring juice.
Prune over there.
This necro-juice tastes terrible. Am I dead? Send help.
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