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  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by DC_PLAYER View Post
    Ok, that was a long read, but an interesting one, i simply kept going and it's scary that you mapped a part of my personality in it aswell, didn't think it was that obvious. Like always watching certain caracthers movements among other activities.
    I am happy to find that you read the full script. While I was hoping that the few people I sent the preview to would do just that, I also understand human nature, and expected them to simply search for their own part, and see where that led their respective character. So, I thank you up front for giving the entirety of the script a fair chance to stand.

    Though you and I never played this game on the same system, I really enjoyed taking the idea of a character only interested in the challenges life brings, and seeing what I could do with it. I didn't want to go overboard, though, and hope that I didn't offend you in any way, Hugo.

    As it happens, you are not the only one who provided feedback on the script today. Tyrant Flame and I had a discussion on it, as well. He has not yet finished reading, but there were some things he commented on in the first half of the writing. Tyrant, if you see this, I look forward to more ideas from you, including what you think the old group might be able to do with this thing.

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by trypticon View Post
    I am happy to find that you read the full script. While I was hoping that the few people I sent the preview to would do just that, I also understand human nature, and expected them to simply search for their own part, and see where that led their respective character. So, I thank you up front for giving the entirety of the script a fair chance to stand.

    Though you and I never played this game on the same system, I really enjoyed taking the idea of a character only interested in the challenges life brings, and seeing what I could do with it. I didn't want to go overboard, though, and hope that I didn't offend you in any way, Hugo.

    As it happens, you are not the only one who provided feedback on the script today. Tyrant Flame and I had a discussion on it, as well. He has not yet finished reading, but there were some things he commented on in the first half of the writing. Tyrant, if you see this, I look forward to more ideas from you, including what you think the old group might be able to do with this thing.
    Judging by the scroll bar on the MS Word format, I'm probably about 20% of the way through it at the moment. As Hugo has said above, and before I even read his response, you've (largely!) done a remarkable job of actually exposing the traits and personalities of all of these players (certainly the ones I remember and played with regularly) into their characters - although I won't name the specific players. Parodies and references of/to Yugioh have also made me chuckle - delivery astute.

    I'll shared my comprehensive views once I've completed reading which could be as soon as the end of the weekend.

  3. #63


    While I was looking forward to some reviews from people I sent this to, the response hasn't been entirely overwhelming. That's ok, though, because I just got done reading through the script from start to finish for the first time, today.

    I admit, a few changes and corrections were necessary throughout the text. However, the only major mistake I really made was what happens to all of your mesetta when you've been revived by the Pioneer 2 hospital. With that correct, and a few other line corrections, I believe it flows together fairly well.

    n any case, for anyone following this, I guess putting out a list of the characters who currently show up in this, along with a more detailed description of what they are about, isn't a bad idea..

    In no articular order of appearance, then:

    Pink Passion: Seen it all, been there, done that. She is very guarded these days, after having been hunted by Black Paper and other men during her younger years. Loyal, but still dangerous. Hunewearl

    Alaina: Innocent to a fault. The youngest of the bunch, still has a sense that she doesn't entirely belong with the group. Upset that she missed out on so many adventures before. Envious of past heroes such as Pink Passion, Lightning, Adam, etc. Is very accustomed to people trying to open up to her. So much so, that she doesn't quite get it when somebody is doing so. Was the youngest spy WORKS ever employed. She was employed at a young age due to nobody suspecting somebody so young would have BEEN a spy, and people naturally opened up to her even then. Able to focus upon a problem like no other. Well educated. Fonewearl

    Lightning: Veteran WORKS member. Understands that he is now heading into the twilight of his life, and is sad that he didn't do more with it when he'd had the chance. Remains faithful to his estranged wife, Lightning. Recently realized he was interested in Alaina. Humar

    Otis: Past his prime, as he had been before. Realizes his weakness. Still stands for the old WORKS motto, though he may have forgotten what it was. Believes that diplomacy is more powerful than violence. Perverted. Ramar

    Tycho: After revival from his death at the hands of Dark Shadow at the end of Episode 11, Tycho was forced to start from scratch, again. However, smart as he was, he was able to go all the way through the challenges on Ragol at level 1 to demonstrate that he still had the experience from prior to his defeat. Fomar

    Photon Drop: Excitable to a fault. Hot headed. Temperamental. Loves Pink Passion dearly, but misses her old love, Eclair. Hunewearl

    Zero DX: Retired WORKS agent who keeps his past employer a secret, since he doesn't want to be tied to the stigma of the photon disruption that had happened back then. Loyal to his current subjects of employment: acting as a security guard for retired Hunewearls. Humar

    Android 21: Specialized Hucast whom avoided the OPSS incident by simply staying on the planet surface. Runs a business locating old PIoneer 1 military grade objects (rares). Very specialized HUcast unit, with sensors that grant him innate abilities to predict query paths, track heat signatures, hear far off sounds. etc. Extremely logical, and detailed in his speech. Calm demeanor. Hucast

    Tyrant Flame: Retired WORKS agent. Now owns businesses on the beach for killing bees, and in the forest for killing flies. Comedy relief, but with a serious side, too. Understands he's too old to be setting off on a new adventure, but, due to a strong sense of right and wrong, will grudgingly go along with it, anyway. Humar

    ADE: Commander of the WORKS military at this time. Strong willed, and strongly opinionated. Dislikes life forms outside of humans. Hates Androids, largely because it was two androids whom had caused the Photon disruption years ago. Will stop at nothing to find his targets, Adam and Dark Shadow. Quick to anger, equally quick to violence to get his way. Explored and investigated the East and West Towers more than anyone else from Pioneer 2. Hates that he was never able to communicate with Delta directly. Rages that he had to give up the search for the Sealed J Sword due to the photon disruption. Trusts no one due to other "scientists" taking credit for his discoveries across the surface of Ragol. The issue of others taking credit for his finds got so out of hand that, eventually, he refused to allow other scientists to accompany him on investigations. Last surviving member of original research team that first located and studied the GERM. Strong enough to withstand the ravages that the GERM caused to his body and psyche. Ade is still infected, and the infection is the reason behind his anger and violent nature. Humar

    Adel: Ade's counterpart. Adel is incredibly smart, and calm in the face of the rage that ADE displays. Cool, level headed, logical. Is able to figure problems out quickly. Is not intimidated by ADE, or by his frequent threats towards her well being. Sticks with WORKS to examine the GERM's effect on her counterpart, ADE. Fonewearl

    Hugo: Interested largely in making his life more difficult than it has to be, Hugo strives to find the challenge in any given situation. Current WORKS agent working closely with ADE and Adel. Generally a good person, he'll cheer anyone on who happens to be facing a challenge in their life. Humar

    Schranko: Member of WORKS who relies on violence and intimidation to get his way. Will not hesitate to lash out and strike someone if they cross him. Loyal to ADE. Does not fear ADE. Looks up to Chaos Magnum. Unimpressed by most people. Humar

    Madison: Worker at the museum, she is generally a troublemaker who likes to bug Lightning about his crush on Alaina. Close friend of Alaina, though, with an interest in getting Alaina out into the world to experience life, again. Fonewearl

    SNK: Largely inactive security guard at the museum. Works in silence but is always monitoring the building. Hucaseal

    Blessed: WORKS loyalist with his own stories to tell about his past on Ragol. Rational, though mostly reliant on strength, alone. Humar

    Zophar: Former WORKS agent who relies on his intellect to get him the information he seeks from others. Nervous around pretty women. Fomar

    Lee: Manipulative landlord. Current spy for WORKS. Former Fonewm. Outcast from other Newmans, which he regrets. Fonewm

    James: Previous member of Works. James had accompanied Dr Montague and his androids into the Ruins long ago in order to secure some key areas for the photon change. The resulting eruption scarred him, badly, and left him unable to find good work afterwards. He has since moved to the planet surface, and lives in a small, scattered community in the woods of Ragol. Tracker and trapper by nature. Humar

    Adam: Former head of the WORKS division. RAcast

    Dark Shadow: Former head of Black Paper. Master strategist. HUcast

    Lightning: LIghtning's wife. Vanished years ago. Fonewearl

    Eclair: Former lover of Photon Drop. Vanished years ago. Hunewearl

    Jenstar: Known throughout the world as one of the original WORKS scientists to reach top level status, done so by being addicted to the Yahoo Cup, Maximum Attack 2. Fonewearl.

    Firebolt: Works with WORKS. Apparently an expert in C.A.R.D. battle technique. Red costumed RAmar.

    Match: Works with WORKS. Compassionate soldier. Frequently questions direct commands if they don't seem fair minded, but never the less, follows them if given, although he may do so grudgingly. HUcast.

    Mebius: Luitenant with WORKS. HUmar.

    Grez: Official historian with WORKS. Documents the details of battles that the soldiers partake in. Doesn't hesitate to question extreme motives. HUmar.

    Keystone. Previous great friend and hunting partner to ADE. The disagreement that split the two happened long enough ago that the details are now unclear. Still, suspicion remains. RAcaseal

    Chaos Magnum: Incredibly confident, incredibly cruel to others. Unimpressed by anyone, even his own commander, ADE. Insistent that he is the greatest thing to ever happen to Ragol or Pioneer 2. Likes to remind people that, almost twenty years ago, he completed the Virtual Reality simulator, Phantasmal World 4 without getting damaged. Despite acting as a leader in the military, now, will still fall back on that achievement as the reason why people should follow his orders. Massive ego. Ramar

    Cypher: Former WORKS agent. Current location is unknown. Used as a character on a game show where contestants answer geographical and historical questions in order to find the illusive Dark Shadow and Adam. Cypher, being painted as a thief, will eventually lead contestants to a general location where the two can be found and apprehended.

    Clones: Clones are exact replicas of people that either exist, or existed previously. The clone is created, and then fed a memory chip that contains the knowledge and experiences of another person. There is a rumor that Tycho is cloned, as he, at least, had been defeated before and forced to start back at a beginning state, while still carrying the memories and experiences necessary to reach the end goal set out for him without status advancement. In game terms, he was able to go from normal through ultimate in episode 1 without leveling until defeating Dark Falz on ultimate.

    Tamahome: Works soldier, or private. Seems to have some say over foot soldiers. Cares to an undetermined degree about the young soldiers in the army, and hates to see them defeated.

    Zeota: Vanished years ago. Hunewearl

    Ultimecia: Vanished years ago. FOnewearl

    Delphine: Vanished years ago. Hunewearl

    Haldir: Vanished years ago. FOnewm.

    Yuki-Hu: Vanished years ago. FOmarl.

    So, that's the list right now. Almost all of these were characters that had appeared in my earlier films. The only character that wasn't a real character that anyone did anything with here is Otis. Otherwise, a few more old players might still end up showing as characters, as there are a number of unnamed characters speaking a line or two throughout the writing.. Personally, I'd rather them be based on somebody from before.

    Otherwise, artwork will be commenced. I'm still kind of iffy about what form I'd like this project to take. Tyrant Flame asked pretty quickly how much animating something would end up being priced at. The answer is, more than I have. However, there are other avenues of animation available that could very well be afforded, or even done in house.

    After the artwork for the main characters is finished, I'll likely be putting out a casting call for voices, so if anyone is interested in that, keep your eyes open for it.

    Hugo, thank you for the feedback. Tyrant Flame, I'm happy that this at least got you playing the game again, if nothing else. Everyone else who reads this thread, thank you for checking in.
    Last edited by trypticon; Sep 21, 2018 at 10:42 PM.

  4. #64


    I PM'ed you. Excited to see this come to fruition.

  5. #65


    Laid down some voice tracks for a few scenes today. Also sent out some messages to old contacts in an effort to get them on board with voicing their old characters, again.

    Progress is slow, but it is moving.

  6. #66


    Thank you for your consideration.

    I do not wish to participate in this project. I am not granting permission to use my character and likeness in it.


  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by trypticon View Post
    Merp is about right, yes. SNK does appear in two scenes within the script, already. I can see SNK appearing in a third one near the end of the story, too.

    I was planning on contacting you, eventually, for another reason, too. Brinstar was a place where a number of original level 200 players hung out, including you and I. I was very interested in learning if you had kept in any sort of contact with JenStar, whom reached level 200 extremely early in the game's life span by doing almost nothing other than... I'm thinking it was Max Attack 2, back when Max Attack 2 still mattered, and Rappies Singing By The Beach quest was still up, allowing players to marry one another in game. I was wondering if I would have to go find your old account, Bonuskun (I think). I didn't know if you really came around these boards, anymore. After Final fantasy 11 came out, I didn't see much of you.
    Sorry for the super slow reply. But yeah I hardly come around here these days since well things change and life goes on. JenStar.... Now that's a name I've not heard in years. She was a pretty fun person to hang out with but I don't know what happened to her since PSO. Sucks too since we were really good friends. As far as hunting me down, you can find me easier on Sega-16 since I'm a mod on the forums there.

    I still randomly hook up my Gamecube and fire up PSO but sadly my old HUcaseal is gone due to my old memory card pooping away.

    Edit: Tamahome was a HUmar.
    Last edited by S N K; Sep 28, 2018 at 12:51 AM.
    <- This would be my avatar if someone learned to let people upload their own.

    Retired PSO Gamecube Player.
    2nd NA HUcaseal to 200. 13th Lv.200 Player.
    Silver is exspensive. Chrome looks just as cool. ~Deadpool

  8. #68


    Since a couple of years ago I wanted to see two players in particular:
    It is a fairly well-known Japanese player that I found in Schthack PSO Server, I only played with it a few times and I would like to find it again

    Hatsune Miku: It uses an Ellis skin and that is also someone known on the server, I think it's from the UK

  9. #69
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    I played with 2 people from that list, but Blessed really stands out memory wise, because I went with him on all those PW4 farming runs.
    Retired PSO Player
    ~Past Characters~
    Miranda (PSO2: NGS) Ship 2
    DC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 100 » 102 (Ver.2)
    GC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 161 :: Za'leshea FOnewearl 172
    PSU: Eternia F Beast FF15 Lvl142(PC) :: Elemia F Cast GM20 lvl174(360)

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by trypticon View Post
    Greetings, citizens. My name is Adam.

    Perhaps you've heard of me...

    That's kind of a fat chance here, these days, but if you have, that's great, because you could be one of the few old players I am trying to get back into contact with.

    I'm currently working on a project, and would appreciate the input from a few old players about their character direction in certain situations and junk from way back when.

    At the moment, I wouldn't mind locating

    Photon Drop
    Saifwin (I don't see this one happening at all, but it would be nice)
    The One Hero. I already sent him a message, but I don't know if he even logs in anymore.

    Really, very interested in getting into touch with ADE and KIREEK, if they ate still around.

    While I can't say much about the project here, it would be great to get some information from these individuals, if they can still be found here. Also, while this message might fit better in the LOUNGE forum, checking it tonight showed that there has been one active thread in there in the last seventy-five days, and I'm fairly certain that this would never been seen if it were moved there, so, since this is old PSO related, please do keep it here.
    I knew KIREEK back in the day. I think he still browses kotaku cause I used to see him post there a lot (I stopped visiting).
    I recognize the names for Cypher and Tycho, and possibly Photon Drop.
    Ade I'm not sure of, unless you meant ADA? Or was it AIDA...
    Used to be friends with them but I think they were the ones who worked on the translation patch for PSO2 jp

    I doubt anyone would remember from PSO, but pc/ps2 players would likely recognize my name Masou or Squeezit.
    I hung out on 4th floor everyday and kinda got a brief following as people started to join me there en masse

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