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  1. #1
    A proud PSOW member SELENNA's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    In a red box, waiting for you!

    Default I've been here for more than 15 years

    Time sure flies.

    This makes PSO-World one of the oldest forums I'm subscribed to.

    I don't post much, but I've been following PSO games since the first game on Dreamcast.

    I think it's pretty sad how SEGA only cares about Japan. The series would be pretty popular on current consoles / PC elsewhere, too.

    There's nothing quite like it. Even though I dislike PSO2's core gameplay changes, I'd still pay for an international version.

    Back on topic, I was a teenager when I registered. Now I'm in my thirties, still enjoying videogames like before.

    Never let your inner child die.



  2. #2
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Welcome to the 15 yr club. Still a few of us '02 members around. This is also the oldest forum I'm still part of it. In fact, it's the only one I joined in the 00's that is still running. All my heavy posting occurred during the PSO's prime years haha.. Every now and then I load up blue burst, just to have that giddy feeling lol. Those were the days..
    Retired PSO Player
    ~Past Characters~
    Miranda (PSO2: NGS) Ship 2
    DC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 100 » 102 (Ver.2)
    GC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 161 :: Za'leshea FOnewearl 172
    PSU: Eternia F Beast FF15 Lvl142(PC) :: Elemia F Cast GM20 lvl174(360)

  3. #3


    Crazy stuff right.

  4. #4
    That's Mister to you. Freeze's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Great White North


    I may not be there quite yet but close. I just recently dusted of the old Dreamcast and fired up V2. Good times.

    ]The Ragol Trilogy: Ragol's Gift, Ragol's Curse, Ragol's Legacy GT Xbox One: Eries Fury

  5. #5


    I forgot how long I have been here...

  6. #6
    Ryan Ryno's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Jacksonville, Florida


    I started play pso in my teen years / early 2002 saw this site as and lurk as guest to get information , didn't sign up till 2006 , but which made community better but at least 12 years for me I'll take it.

  7. #7
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by BogusKun View Post
    I forgot how long I have been here...
    I don't think many of us were paying attention back then to the passage of time, between all those PSO games, haha.
    Retired PSO Player
    ~Past Characters~
    Miranda (PSO2: NGS) Ship 2
    DC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 100 » 102 (Ver.2)
    GC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 161 :: Za'leshea FOnewearl 172
    PSU: Eternia F Beast FF15 Lvl142(PC) :: Elemia F Cast GM20 lvl174(360)

  8. #8
    Phantasy Dad Online II Dragwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New England


    Welcome to being old.
    PSO, PSU, PS:Po, PSZ | PSO2: Jergraw (All classes 90) Lunaeris Demoria (Fo/Te 90) Onlak (Hr 90)
    -**Tech crafting max- message me for crafts**-

    Forum Rules - Read it!

  9. #9
    Owner of a nimbat. Blue-Hawk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Flying high in the sky with a fly in your eye.


    Welcome to the 'Old Farts Club'. As a member myself, I'd be honored to hand you a membership card.
    'All tales end in tragedy. Follow the hero long enough, you'll step across his corpse.'
    Survivor of TWO live Gwar performances.

  10. #10


    How time flies!
    I was in college when I started coming here. 15+ years later, I'm still here, though not posting as much.
    Job and family are in the way, but that's life.
    Blink & you might miss it! ;3

    Oh, keep sig at 600x180 px & 49KB, yah?

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