Okay, in Seat of the Heart, the NPC who looks like the generic RAmarl makes her appearance at one point. I think it's really nifty, because I have been wanting the NPCs for the 3 new classes to show up for a while now. I wanted to figure out what her name was, but I don't think I caught it. My closest guess would be that she's either Cap or Marvel, as I couldn't see those two, and they were around right about the same time that scene played.
Does anyone know for sure what her name is? Also, if you talk to NOL on P2 after you beat the dragon, she'll tell you that 3 teams passed the exam, you and Elly, a team that worked for the government (Sue and Kireek maybe?) and a team that worked for the military. My thought on the subject is that the team that worked for the military was the RAmarl and RAcast. The scene had implied that she has some connection tot he military through her father, and RAmarls in general look pretty military anyway. Maybe she'll be showing up at somepoint in the future in another quest? Just a thought.
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