I'm thinking of re-starting my force character (level 35 Yellowboze Fomarl) for better chances at succeeding in Ultimate mode. I already have a level 120 Skyly Humar and level 35 Purplenum Racaseal. My plan is just to play offline and switch mags/items between characters.
What I'm wondering is whether the tp regeneration is meaningful enough to warrant scrapping my current character. I find that my Fomarl runs out of tp fairly quickly in Hard mode, requiring multiple trips back to stock up on fluids. Do you guys think playing a Fonewearl will help remedy this problem, especially when playing in Ultimate mode? Or is the benefit from the tp regin negligible in the long run?
On a related note, is Yellowboze a good section ID considering my other characters? I have plans to hunt for the Sealed-J Sword with my Skyly and (maybe) the Psycho Wand with my Purplenum. I've seen lots of love for Redria due to the God/Battle unit, so I'm considering it as well. I ultimately want my force's ID to assist with my quest to acquire the Sealed-J Sword.
Thanks in advance for the assistance!
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