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  1. #1

    Default PSO2 on vita @ Error 691

    It has been awhile since I last signed in to the PSN network. ( about 5 -6 years now )

    well since sd cards are cheap and now that the vita hacks are now easier to do I thought why not.

    Well everything went soomthly until I tried to login to PSO2 on vita.
    Error 691 popped. Your ID is tied to another PSN account.

    a) I remember the email of that PSN account not the password.
    b) The email that I used previouly has been deleted ( too much spam on that email ). Its a gmail account.
    c) tried google's email recovery but no it did not work ,
    d) the playstation store still recongizes that the account is still active

    who would know that PSO2 on vita be so troublesome. However, since I have come this far, might as well finish the process

    so what now ? any ideas
    Last edited by MakanaAzusa; Mar 14, 2020 at 02:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Battle Fiend Anon_Fire's Avatar
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    If you really did delete the old email that was tied to the original PSN account, you're pretty much out of luck.
    Nintendo Switch: 5668-1176-9106

  3. #3


    no way around this??? I have come so far and not intending to quit. There must be a solution to this. I mean PSN affects the PS4 too so there must be a fix for this.

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