So the forum died or what?
If Edson Drake came back to PSO2, so would I. But I don't know what happened to him.
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I've got back in contact with one of my old PSO buddies. It's been nice catching up, it's been about 20 years so a LOT has happened.
Still trying to get in touch with some others. One day, maybe.
I still lurk the forums from time to time. I tried PSO2 and wasn't feeling it, so I'll stick to FFXIV for now.
Former Hunter and GUARDIAN
I pop in now and then, but these days I'm mostly hanging around on Discord. Forums as a whole have just kinda... dropped off with the internet being concentrated and distilled into a few sites for the most part, but I do miss this place.
Yes, the one with the Ship02 fats.
Got the itch and jumped back on to a private server starting from scratch Blue Burst.
Same, I pop in every now and then . And then there is discord as well . And if I have known them for a very long time I become friends with them on other social media platforms to keep in touch.
If its the same discord I still use my character name there as well.
Hol' up, there's a PSOW discord?
"Sword logic? That's cute."
I dont think psow has a discord. I have found a discord that deals with psobb. But I dont think I can promote another site here. But they are easy to find. Honestly though, the one I found, is just as much a ghost town as here. I only joined it so they can answer a few questions I had about their "services".
There's a Discord for Sylverant server that I play on for DC Pso Ver.2...The online play is not super active, but it's great to have PSO DC online still.
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