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Thread: Ending PSO2

  1. #1

    Default Ending PSO2

    I'm aware that they're most likely going to leave it as it is and will probably do campaigns occasionally to make it an NGS content waiting room. Still, there definitely will be new players discovering current PSO2 or old players rediscovering it and I think that it could be a great experience if a few changes were made. So in this thread I'm asking what YOU would do to wrap up PSO2 in a better way. As for me, the first thing I could think of is putting big bosses EQs directly in game. They could serve as milestones in a player progression since there's no reason to rush people to endgame anymore. It also just makes more sense for those who are interested in the lore not to fight the last boss and see the last cutscenes when they're starting off.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by awcg View Post
    They could serve as milestones in a player progression since there's no reason to rush people to endgame anymore. It also just makes more sense for those who are interested in the lore not to fight the last boss and see the last cutscenes when they're starting off.
    Personally I would like something similar to the Omega Masquerade/Primordial Darkness solo ultimate quests but with every single boss.
    For example, depth 1 = lvl 100 Rockbear, depth 2 = lvl 100 Caterdra'n, and so on, until reaching the full Primordial Darkness fight.
    PSO2 EN (Ship 1): Johana
    PSO2 JP (Ship 2): Johana, Ezodagrom, Luppi, Lana, Yukari, Blune, Elysia, Elena
    PSU EN/JP: Johana, Blune, Ezodagrom, Luppi/Johana, Lana


  3. #3


    I wish they would finally make everything consistent in terms of Free Fields; basically, either rework them all in the style of Ultimate/Ultra Hard, or make them point-based with a Boss Area like Kuron, and have them all have every difficulty available, including removing the rotation of Ultra Hard fields. It's a pipe dream, I know.

    Oh, and I want that last Skill Point. I want it so badly.
    Last edited by Anduril; Jan 28, 2021 at 05:58 PM.

  4. #4


    what always dissapoint me was , they never did an LQ on double innerverse tileset , i mean its music its dinamic as any free field .

    another thing they could do its just modify the chrome dragon , OG falz hunar, falz angel and double hunar to make their themes sound whenever they spawn , just like their omega counterparts . i mean its such a waste just hear those tracks only in the story .

    and anduril , the only change i would do its make all free fields to be of 1 room just like Shironia , facility and enchanted forest and the tilesets of room 1 and 2 just make them random (in case of the forest ,volcanic caves, tundra... , ok i hope im clear)

  5. #5


    They probably ultralize the remaining EQ since it's new content, but besides that, it's pretty much it.
    Fan Art of my Character & Matoi Defending a City

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by the_importer_ View Post
    They probably ultralize the remaining EQ since it's new content, but besides that, it's pretty much it.
    I wouldn't be surprised if they don't do even that and just move on completely to NGS.
    Seems like the next PSO2 Station+ will be the last one, after all.
    PSO2 EN (Ship 1): Johana
    PSO2 JP (Ship 2): Johana, Ezodagrom, Luppi, Lana, Yukari, Blune, Elysia, Elena
    PSU EN/JP: Johana, Blune, Ezodagrom, Luppi/Johana, Lana


  7. #7
    Battle Fiend Anon_Fire's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
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    What about the bosses that haven't been Ultralized?
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  8. #8
    ダーク ファルス 【守護者】
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    Mar 2013


    Personally. Make a boss practice mode. Like, Tally training where all bosses they do 1 dmg. Also, for the love of god; can we please consume multiple boost tickets and fun tickets at once....

  9. #9


    Well the last EQ was pretty garbage. TFW 2021 no olga flow or og dark falz. They didn't even add PD from the old school games. Honestly at this point its pretty clear devs just wanted to troll their fans with the ending. They also killed the economy. Dunno how they will fix NGS. I'm assuming NGS will just be p2w through scratches kek, since now they over nerfed meseta in NGS. Oh well, most games are trash these days anyways.

    Also first 3d PSO game without dark flow lmao. Clearly the current devs are not og fans of the series and just trying to make money off scratches. Also damn I've never seen ship 2 so dead. B13 is the social block now, that is beyond cringe, and was totally taboo a couple years ago. Also wheres excalibur and other iconic weapons? Do devs not realize hardcore players dont care about fashion, they want the fucking iconic weapons from the original games. Theres nothing to play for, sealed j sword cant be unsealed lmao. Holy man, whoever was incharge of episode 6 was a fucking idiot. Lets add 3 new classes after all these years THEN cancel the game... brainlets man.
    Last edited by SlN; Feb 22, 2021 at 04:40 AM.

  10. #10


    the irony also is people shit on episode 5 for being terrible, meanwhile it had by far the most content, economy was balanced, and the game was very active. Episode 6 literally destroyed the economy, forced people to do divide quests(1000x worse than ultimate quest), and the final boss was just a joke. Why does shiva turn into a giant turd, she should have turned into TRUE PD from the OG games. I've literally never been so let down. Sure the theme was cool, some of the eqs were decent, but damn, did they drop the fucking ball lmao. But hey, at least devs can buy whatever they want, meanwhile the players get shit on for the garbage economy they produced.

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