Im honestly worried about the in-game economy in NGS
reasons being there are already things that i was saving meseta for as a f2p player that are probably gone now forever.....
also there are reasons to spend meseta on farmable items but they are quickly becoming non expensive as time goes on...
Here are some suggestions
Make new photon arts drops that you can find from green containers or enemies as discs rather than just giving them to everyone as soon as they are available. (they dont have to be super rare)
Make more incentive to purchase AC scratch
i would suggest reducing the amount of scratch tickets you have to buy to get a free select ticket. this encourages people to spend more as they can get more of the items that are high in demand while reducing the chances that some less popular items would be bought out right away for super cheap and never be seen again... assuming everyone doesnt want to sell everything they have right away and want demand to stay high there will always be a ticket for that specific item you are looking for; making life less stressful for people with a certain look in mind feeling like they have to set themselves back x amount of meseta to acquire something that might not exist soon... due to the lack of stress on fashion gamers this would likely provide we would hopefully stop seeing people beg Hiro Arai for more meseta on the NGS Headline xD
I am not an economy expert these are just ideas try not to be too harsh
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