Once again, I'm afraid to go online! This is truly sad, first is was BSOD and FSOD, and now it's Resta of Death! Today I was playing with a very old friend and we were playing in a locked room, and all of a sudden this dude that neither of us knew came in. I was so paranoid, and my friend didn't even know about PK'ing. The other dude was just a Lvl 1, but even a Lvl one can be deadly. He kept asking me for my stuff, but I refused, and quickly equiped a crapy cane. Luckily he left, and he knew nothing of PK, but it's truly sad when you can't go into a game and just play without worrying about dying from another players hand. If you ask me, Sega was in too big a hurry to get PSO out, and they left all these glitches to be exploited untouched.

This brings me to my question, is there any way possible from preventing actually getting killed by another player? Besides the usual stuff, like locking games, scape dolls, etc. I'm talking like real ways of preventing it? And for all of you that know how to PK, is the problem fixable by Sega, and if so, when do you think we'll be rid of it?