Ok, i've seen numerous technical problems from various members in the forum.
Most just state the problems so vaguely, that it's impossible for willing & helpful members to assist.
Some probably do not have the patience to visit an older thread multiple times just to see if more detailed info is available. >_<
So, if you want help & results quicker, tell your situation as clearly as possible..
..what, when, where & how
such as system you use, error messages that appeared, & any other accessories or devices involved in the problem, etc.
Also, please be patient & wait for your answer..
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dhylec on 2004-01-24 10:10 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Getintothegame on 2005-08-27 19:45 ]</font>
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