How would YOU like to earn countless legit rares and mags? No no, not by cheating, and not by simple trading.

Let me explain myself. You don't know me, but I have tried, in vain, to download the Japanese Easter quest. As an American, I feel that if anyone should have rights to play that quest, it's us, since after 3 months, we've only had on Quest, and even that was taken offline after a week.

I changed my language to Japanese, yet found that the downloads had been removed, and other then cool japanese letters in my text boxes and status screen, I found the experience...unfulfilling.

I have no desire to back-door this quest into my VMU for 5 hours, risking file corruption and wasting precious time best spent slitting my wrists and punching holes through walls, so let's get to the point here:

I want a chainsaw so bad I'd sell my soul for one. I had one, but it was a dupe and I had to dump it. The Normal mode of the Easter Quest gives you a chainsaw. If someone has one, and they give it to me, I will give them the COMPLETE inventory of three of my four characters. An inventory that includes Maxed out S-beat blades, two delsabre arms, 3 hero/abilitys, a god/luck a charge repeater with 50% against dark and two level 150 mags. (An Asparas and a Katabha) as well as a Crush bullet with 35% to dark and a Justy with 40% to dark.

This is no joke. I will also email you a certificate to my soul, allow you full rights to my first born child, give you the deed to my house, give you access to both my saviungs and my checking account, loan you my CD collection, let you raid my fridge, p*ss on my toilet seat, and steal my best clothes.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled Message Board Drama show.