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  1. #11


    No offence Lmnopia, but I think i would have to also add names that refer to Star Wars. Granted that it IS an awesome movie, and the PSO sabers look a HELL of alot like light-sabers, do we really need to go to that length. I will give you points on originality though, I think you are the first "Darth Vader" that I've seen.

  2. #12



    ,agd8""' .d8888888888bga,
    ,gdP""' .d88888888888888888g,
    ,dP" ,d888888888888888888888b,
    ,dP" ,8888888888888888888888888b,
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    d' `88888888888888888888888888888b
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    `Yba `""' ,888888888888P'
    "Yba ,88888888888'
    `"Yba, ,8888888888P"'
    `"Y8baa, ,d88888888P"'


    hmm, and yes, i do have a problem posting ascii, but at least i'm fonewearl enough to admit it!

  3. #13



    ok, third times a charm baby yeah!

    <FONT face=Fixedsys>

    ,agd8""' .d8888888888bga,
    ,gdP""' .d88888888888888888g,
    ,dP" ,d888888888888888888888b,
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    `"Yba, ,8888888888P"'
    `"Y8baa, ,d88888888P"'

    if that didn't work, this fonewearl's Gon Fishin too!

  4. #14


    I dont like anything with pimp in it.


  5. #15


    Hehe pimps are lame.

  6. #16


    Hahaha.. mistkerl, I thought you were posting an ascii pic of Pizzahead. I was so disappointed.

  7. #17
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    in yo mama bedroom


    I admit, many DBZ references are lame, but my name is MajinSeanjin and I think that is pretty original. The stupidest names i have seen are: SS4Link (short fonewm) and JoTo (black ramar)

  8. #18



    i wanted to do a ascii rendition of Gon Fishin, but it comes out all crazy looking, so its pretty useless. but here it is just for you!

    <FONT face=Fixedsys>

    ,r. rr::. ::;;S2s3r:.
    r@, : : :rr
    ,@@@@@@:, ,rri555isr, is :;s@;
    ,3&@@@@H@; 3@:r:,r&@S;
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    . 5&9:, 2@5S@. :r @@@@@#@&:3#2;s@M93.:
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    s, . @ @@2Sr2XM@
    @XSrr:r@. M@29@MA@@ ,
    @@@hr9@ @@@@@HH#:;@@


  9. #19


    I have seen some really lame names myself I think I'll have to vote for the morons I have seen using cuss words for names like this guy I saw last week. something like fukkass! and he was a lvl 28 I think.. granted I get my names from anime and games but I try to go for names not commonly used.. Like Nene-chan I've only had 3 people that can tell right off the bat where I got it from..How many out there know Dot matrix? She's my hunter droid a lot of people think I'm talking about the old printer.. ;-p so they are corny but hey they suit me,.. If you see my newbiee ranger {Vermillion drop me a line.

  10. #20


    Loki is a pretty weak name, I mean really, who names themself after a norse god? in all seriousness everyone has mentioned some played out names. But I make it a point to NEVER play with anyone using their first name or has their name in all CAPS. They all seem to be jerks.

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