What will happen when your urge to play PSo wares off? When all your freinds find other games to enjoy? When the community is no longer here? That would be a sad day indeed, and we all know its coming sooner or later... What happens when Danger Girl no longer plays? Or when Spy Stops posting? Or when the King Himself becomes only a memory? Sure PSO V2.0 will hold us off... ANd PSO2 might even kept SOME of us going... But it will be a sad day when pso is placed in the shelf with all the other relics... I will miss all my buds, and even enemies that i made along the way....I dont want that day to come soon, but when it does... Whats next for us?
Hmm i think thats what i wanted to say... i feel like i missed some points but u get the picture...
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