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  1. #1


    What will happen when your urge to play PSo wares off? When all your freinds find other games to enjoy? When the community is no longer here? That would be a sad day indeed, and we all know its coming sooner or later... What happens when Danger Girl no longer plays? Or when Spy Stops posting? Or when the King Himself becomes only a memory? Sure PSO V2.0 will hold us off... ANd PSO2 might even kept SOME of us going... But it will be a sad day when pso is placed in the shelf with all the other relics... I will miss all my buds, and even enemies that i made along the way....I dont want that day to come soon, but when it does... Whats next for us?

    Hmm i think thats what i wanted to say... i feel like i missed some points but u get the picture...

    -Serious posts only please-

  2. #2
    Monkeys are really Chimps in disguise.
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    I'll try to be serious....try. We all knew PSO would die off after a while. PSO 2 will help restore the community, but even it will wear off after a while.

  3. #3
    Predator of all Evil
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Maine, USA


  4. #4


    yeah, version 2 will hopfully bring back some old friends...

  5. #5
    Dark Falz Cultist
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    the aeroplane over the sea


    My urge to play wore off for a while, right after I beat Dark Falz on VHard... somehow along the line I ended up getting obsessed with rescuing Rico (don't ask me how--I have the inexplicable ability to get completely wrapped up in games with very little storyline), and once I had proven once and for all that yes, the vhard ending sucks too, I didn't feel the need to play any more...
    But then I found some good people to play with, and that revived the game for me. Building my other character helped, too. (I'm growing quite fond of that crazy HUcast. )

    Gamers are a fickle sort... no one can ever know if the general population won't just up and abandon something. It will indeed be a very sad day when people move on... I still play old games--my still-kicking NES gets more use than my N64 and PSX combined--but something like PSO can't really be enjoyed to the full extent on your own... Without its community, PSO would be dead...

    Fortunately, it doesn't look like it's going to be fully in the grave any time soon. (Unless ver2 doesn't come to the states. THEN people are gonna get pissed...)

    [Edit: typos galore]

    Aliciana: lvl 78 HUnewearl of Redria
    WarHawk: lvl 23 HUcast of Bluefull

    <font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Rotis on 2001-04-18 22:44 ]</font>

  6. #6
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Bluefield, WV


    This is true Cube! I don't think it will be a sad day though. See, if you know something is going to have a negative outcome then you'll try to avoid it at all costs. So, it wont be a sad day when we all decide to leave PSO, because we wont consiously make that decision, we'll just gradually distance ourselves from PSO. I hate to say it, but for the past few days I have entertained the thoughts of retireing from PSO, but I keep myself going. It is a great thing, but when we leave there will be others to take our places in the community, and we'll eventually fade into memories, and then the nothingness that follows. I must say though, it has been great meeting new people, coming here to PSOW and playing with you guys, but I know one day that it will end. Maybe in an effort to keep things going there will be newer versions of PSO, because I think Sega has realized that it created a community and for them to not let that community progress would be selfish. Trust in Sega and yourself, you can only lose touch with people if you let it happen. In todays connected age, it's hard to find an excuse to lose touch.

  7. #7


    *tear drops*

    Dont leave me jay!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8



    "Dinosaurs will die, and I gaurantee noone will cry" - Fat Mike, Nofx


  9. #9


    That day came for me today. I accidentally started a new game on the memory card housing my level 95 ranger, Doomstalk. PSO isn't much fun when you lose your best charachter. I was working on making lvl100 for v2 too...

  10. #10


    Well, PSO is pretty much the final act for the Dreamcast, and believe me, this last hurrah is a great one. PSO is that game Sega needed a year ago, and despite it's shortcomings, really is the first of it's kind. Too bad it's too little too late.

    I'm already juggling my time between so many great games, it's hard to stay too focused on any one. PSO has had the majority of my time again lately with my new character, but I find other things to do and come back to it regularly. I'm trying not to get PSO overkill by getting 9000 hours in just a few days. A little here, a little there. I'll be at it for a while still, I have another character already in mind after I complete the L100 trek with this new one.

    Maybe after the shine fades from the edge of the Dragon Slayer and the Ultimate Frame is battered and rusted beyond useable, we'll all meet soon after on our X-Box's or PS2's playing PSO2 or something.


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