Try again.
what is arkham anyway?
I got a PM saying a topic was moved there.
shhhh, were not supposed to discuss such things....
theyrre watching our every move you know....
argh! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Well, if you look across the river into the perpetually foggy Banana Lands... there lies arkham.
Little do they know thatOn 2004-03-28 04:50, Zaneatron wrote:
shhhh, were not supposed to discuss such things....
theyrre watching our every move you know....
argh! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Rebel against the system peeps!!!
*Runs around naked*
Your no fun, Frink usually denies all excestince(sp?) of Arkham
Then i say hes just drunk and cant remember
Contest time! Contest and whoever wins gets to go to Arkham! Right.... *cough*
arkham is just an empty page that's there to annoy the hell out of you guys. we're just enjoying driving you crazy
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