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  1. #11
    Svm Inimicus Mali
    Join Date
    May 2001


    My apologies for the lateness in delivering this next chapter. I got wrapped up in other things. ^_^() Enjoy anyway!


    The caves were deserted. Well, not entirely. There were puddles of green goo all over the place, but no signs of life. Just signs of ended life. I couldn't help but shudder at the sight of it all, but my friend just marched right on through. He's used to blood by now; I am not. It's something I'll have to learn to live with, at least if I ever want to be a good hunter.

    I wondered: what was the point of all this killing? No matter how many of the beasts we slew, their numbers never seemed to decrease. Time after time, hunt after hunt, they never seemed to come in any less numbers. Where did they all come from? It didn't matter. They had to be eliminated somehow, or Pioneer 2 would never land. It was our job to kill, and we had to stick to it until it was finished.

    A slithering, squishing noise like some giant, unseen mouth sucking saliva through its teeth filled my ears and wrent my thoughts from their previous position. Before us approached some odd sort of insect. A large insect. It had a green, scaled, serpentine body that hugged the ground for half of its length, then rose abruptly to levitate its head. And how many eyes there were on that head! Midway between the head and the lower body, two long, menacing, scythelike arms extended, ready to tear into its prey... us.

    The beast, whatever it was, was slow but steady in its charge towards us with its four jointed legs. My friend took the lead, as he always did, in meeting the foe. The beast was certainly used to its own anatomy, as it swung a bladed arm from above at my friend as soon as the blow could possibly have struck. Unfortunately for the overgrown scuttler, my friend was quicker than its arm. With a single deft motion, my friend was under the attack and up again, swinging his photonic blade at the joint between the scythed arm and the bug's body, removing the chance of any further attacks through it. I say this because the arm, after having the blade swung THROUGH it, fell off and was immediately covered in a cascade of green blood that fell from the hole where the connection used to be made.

    I shuddered on behalf of the monster, which seemed to be ignoring whatever pain it must have been experiencing. Indeed, the bug seemed more intent on killing my friend than nursing its wounds. In a move that took both my friend and I by surprise, it spat forth a web of semi-fluid that instantly covered my friend's ankles, sticking him to the spot. His back was facing the monster's front, a fact that the monster made great use of by recoiling its remaining arm back, ready to slash my friend through the back.

    Time slowed down. It all happened in a matter of moments, but my perceptions were altered somehow. In desperation, I reached out my arm for a Foie attack. It felt like it was taking too long to get it to full charge... hurry! Hurry! At last, the fireball flew and landed... one second before it would be one second too late. The scythe stopped one inch from my friend's ribcage and flung itself into the air as the beast that swung it screamed in throes of agony.

    I have mentioned that Foie is among my favorite spells. There is but one property of it that I don't like, and that is the fact that as magic fire, it cannot burn. As soon as it strikes it's target, it dissipates. It hurts like all torments one can imagine, but it doesn't cause sustained damage.

    The beast stopped in mid-scream. My friend, having somehow freed himself from the goo (I hadn't noticed how that had happened, and an explanation was thoroughly out of the question), had taken one last solid swipe at the monster's midsection, cutting it precisely in two. The top half, pulled by gravity, slid to the ground. Viridian blood still spurted out of the two half-of-a-corpses for several moments before ceasing.

    Then, a most odd thing happened: we heard tiny squeals eminating from the lower half of the slain beast. Casting shocked eyes upon the source of the noise, my friend and I couldn't help but choke on air at the sight of hundreds of miniature versions of the bug we had just killed crawling through its dead skin, attempting to escape from us. Instinctively, my friend and I went about killing as many as possible. My friend lunged with his photonic blade, causing the babies to disappear into the sword with tiny hisses. I couldn't enjoy this spectacle, as I was frantically burning as many of the little abominations as I could. Despite our best efforts, we couldn't eliminate any more than half of them.

    How odd! A creature that reproduces in its own death! Perhaps that explains why Ragol had such an unending supply of monsters!

    With a nod, my friend told me that we were continuing. However, I couldn't help but give the carcass one last look as we departed... such oddities this planet had within it.


    There you go. As always, feedback is appreciated, preferably in the form of a post.

  2. #12
    Svm Inimicus Mali
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Fifth chapter... that's all I have to say preliminarily.


    My friend and I should have savored the fight with the massive insect, as it was the only one we got out of the local monsters. Whatever army stormed this area must have missed it as they went past. Any sign of life still in the cave was a sign of life past. That is, until we came across the large blue room.

    It had some kind of grass or moss in it. My friend and I never got close enough to tell. There were people in the room, lots of them. But we never got to talk to them. Instead, we met the two guards. We couldn't see their faces, as they were hidden behind helmets. My friend had his vow of silence to keep, so I asked what was going on. The guard on my friend's side answered by drawing a photonic gun and shooting my friend in the heart.

    It all blurred after that. When my thoughts became coherent again, I was running down a hall, holding my shield arm behind my back. In the back of my mind, I was glad that nobody can run and land a shot, which was what my assailant was trying to do. It was just the one that had shot my friend; the other was probably still guarding the group.

    I turned down another corridor, trying to lose my pursuor. He still found me. And there was nowhere to run; it was a dead end. My dead end. No! I couldn't let it be that way. I had to keep fighting. If I gave up, I was dead.

    I thought of my friend, how he'd died without a sound. He was slain so suddenly that he hadn't even the chance to give a death cry. I could not allow that to go unanswered. The rage in my soul burnt to the surface. I let it do as it would, simply letting my arm be a conduit for its appearance.

    A blazing fireball burst towards him, but he was agile. He quickly dodged to the side, releasing his gun. It disappeared into the flames, leaving him helpless... so it seemed. As I said, he was quick. In an instant, he was next to me, and landed a well-aimed kick to the fleshy area between my ribs and my pelvis. I turned with the attack to lessen the impact, but that left me facing away from him. I heard the dull hum of a saber coming to life.

    And then he stabbed me in the back.


    You can't possibly have read *that* and have nothing to say, so please reply!

  3. #13


    And so the circle closes. I really liked how you brought it all there more to the story? If not...write more!

  4. #14


    I like the way it all turns out O_o makes me read it all over again trying to understand more when it's ends that way, freakin cool

  5. #15
    Svm Inimicus Mali
    Join Date
    May 2001


    One more chapter.


    Why didn't I listen?!

    It's an odd feeling to be stabbed in the back. And I'm not talking about my girlfriend dumping me. Guys who say stuff like that are overdramatizing their personal issues. I mean, I was quite literally stabbed in the back. And let me tell you something, it felt weird.

    This is exactly how I saw it...

    I didn't even see it coming. That stands to reason, actually. One usually doesn't see what's behind them. But I knew what'd happened the instant I saw the green photonic point come through my chest.

    I was warned, but I ignored it...

    Photonic weapons are incredible things. On contact with pretty much anything, they vaporize it. This is usually an upshot, since they never get dull and you don't have to clean them, but for me it wasn't that great. After all, there was a lot of blood in the areas near my back, and it was all just disappearing into the blade that had stabbed me in the back.

    I cursed myself for my folly.

    Fortunately, that didn't go on for too long, as he took the blade back out rather quickly. It seemed like an eternity until he did, though. That's part of what feels weird about being stabbed in the back... you feel like every second is stretched into several minutes, giving you ample time to contemplate your demise.

    Could I have prevented this?

    I'd have to say that one of the most sickening moments of being stabbed in the back start when the blade is no longer going through your chest. See, without the photon blade to vaporize your blood, it starts to run out that hole and cover your clothes. I tend to wear white clothes, so I was a bit sickened by the way the redness washed down through my shirt from the top and started to drip off once the garment was soaked.

    Did I hear footsteps? ...did they matter?

    That eternity was a bit shorter than the others, though. I'd hardly noticed the blood flowing over my clothes when I started to fall. That took a while. I hit my knees first, then I hit the ground fully. I honestly thought that I'd be dead at this point, but I was still going... driven by the thought that I had to get him back. If I stopped focusing on that thought, I was a goner. I had to get him back!

    Focus... that was my salvation in the dream, and it would save me now... I had to focus!

    I heard him say, "No... leave him to the Sharks." I really didn't care who or what the Sharks were, but it was nasty. Just like him! I had to get him back for all of this. The stabbing, the leaving me to the Sharks... everything he'd done to me was wrong, and I had to get him back. And I had to live so I could get him back.

    Keep your focus!

    I had to get him back...

    But... my thoughts were unfocused...

    I had to get him back...

    But I was going to die!

    I had to get him back...

    But I was never going to...

    I h a d t o g e t h i m b a c k . . .

    It was dark...

    . . . . . .

    A single thought pierced the darkness.

    . . . . . .

    A single, cold, terrible thought.

    . . . . . .

    This was the end.



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