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  1. #21


    On 2004-06-18 09:32, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
    On 2004-06-17 23:22, opaopajr wrote:
    one of president george w. bush's favorite childhood pasttimes was blowing up frogs with firecrackers. another was as a teenager lining up his much younger siblings (from 2-10) and chasing and shooting them with a BB gun. take from that what you will.
    Sounds like he was a healthy, human child, to me.
    Heck your right Meira, for what I remember Adolf Hitler was the opposite, a poster child of goodness, and we know how that ended up.

  2. #22


    On 2004-06-17 23:22, opaopajr wrote:
    one of president george w. bush's favorite childhood pasttimes was blowing up frogs with firecrackers. another was as a teenager lining up his much younger siblings (from 2-10) and chasing and shooting them with a BB gun. take from that what you will.
    Lots of kids do/did things like that, mind you. Jesus, people need to stop using every littlet thing to turn a topic into a "BUSH SUX!!11" thread.

    Anyhow, on topic, yea it's horrible that people treat their pets like that, but it's not like it'll stop. There will always be irresponsible jackasses in the world.

  3. #23
    Vaguely effeminite DS/Dice weilding Mac using Vamp Wyndham's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    my little sister keeps tying up our cat so it wont hurt her when she holds it so tight it cant breathe.
    and my own mother suggested it.
    My sig disappeared.

  4. #24


    that almost made me sick to my stomach
    If I ever see someone treating an animal horribaly like that i woulf flip.

  5. #25


    poor dog and owl... why all this useless Cruelty... I will never understand people, what is the fun and joy in that... like what the fun in killing other people, want to make war and all... only the human being is enough dumb to fight something that is only for power and money and the like...
    Animals fight for food, survival or even for a mate! but that all...
    Oh well thanks for this tread always great to make this out of my chest!!!

  6. #26


    Animal cruelty is bad but... Not trying to trivialize it but, there are worse things, such as the lab itself... One hundred dogs never equals one human life...

  7. #27
    Forum Otaku Sord's Avatar
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    On 2004-06-18 12:26, BLITZKOMMANDO wrote:
    Animal cruelty is bad but... Not trying to trivialize it but, there are worse things, such as the lab itself... One hundred dogs never equals one human life...
    others would beg to differ...

  8. #28
    Seeker of Rares Eihwaz's Avatar
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    Animal abuse is stupid, and unnessescary. The people who get caught abusing animals like that should get extra punishment (in addition to the drug charges ).

    However, there are worse things in the world. For instance, I'm a bit more concerned about child abuse/molestation.

    Animals should be treaty with dignity and respect.

  9. #29


    A few years ago, my cousin once adopted a dog found in the street. Apparently the dog would pee everytime strangers got near him. While some of you might find this funny, the reason why he did that was because he received some serious spanking on a daily basis by her ex-owner.

    Stop treating animals like animals.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Even_Jin on 2004-06-18 14:03 ]</font>

  10. #30


    If any of you have went to the SPCA to try to pick out a doggie or kitty to adopt?

    It is a sad and depressed place. Not because they are in cage or the staff isn't nice or that. When you go up and read each of the animal's file and see what was their history, what happaned to them, why did they end up here; you'll know that there are way too many fucktards in this world.

    I went with a friend once, there were dogs which was extremely violent because it got abused so much. You know no one will adopt such a dog, and you know what fate is waiting for it. There was also this very beautiful, graceful and gentle dog, you wonder why it is here. Then you see it yawn and shows a mouth with the most horrible set of teeth you can imagine. Because the previous owner has fed it nothing but canned dog food. Now it needs special care on the eating front.

    Once I saw a Siberian Husky out walking with its owner in Hong Kong, under 35 degree celcius. You see the Husky with its poofy hair and you feel like you want to take off you own skin even though you're already quite hairless in comparison to the husky. A Doberman was on the new because it bit a child, I don't remember if the child was dead or not. But why did the dog bit the child? Guess what, they kept the dog in a small room with the child for quite an extend period of time.

    People who don't have a clue on what they are doing should never be able to get their hands on anything that has life. It's that simple. Animals maybe a "lower life form" as some people would consider, but seriously, who are you to put such animals to suffering because of your own ignorance and incompetence to understand this animal also has a life and is sentient?

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