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  1. #1
    Old-school RA Sir_Laguna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ship 02, Yas in hand-- all I need.


    (Trips) Ow! Why that-- Oh crap. Well, as long as I've stumbled onto the forums, I might as well introduce myself.

    I'm Sir Laguna. If you've seen this blue Ranger guy with spiked-back blue hair wandering around the Altair ship, yeah. I'm that guy. I've used this site's guides since sometime last year, I registered in June, and decided I'd jump into the fray just now. Some of you I've met before, and to those of you who do know me already, I say hello! To those of you who don't know me, it's nice to meet you and all that good stuff. I hope we get along.

    Now, I'm wondering... Do I qualify for the free nachos? I mean, since I'm new to the forums and all? Because I'm really hungry. Please?
    Sir Laguna: Always outnumbered, never outgunned.

    We're doing this in 2020.

  2. #2


    Ketchup is going to kill me but meh its for a good cause. And welcome to the site ^_^

    On 2004-08-14 13:38, Ketchup345 wrote:

    Make sure to read the Forum Rules. The stickies in each Forum are normally important, so read them before making a thread (especially mine if you intend to post in Mag/Quest/Item/Section ID).

    If you want to keep your sanity, stay away from Fresh Kills Landfill . If you don't mind losing it, or already have, you may have a great time in there. You will never leave. *Cues the Eagles' Hotel California*.

    And is best served room temperature.

    Copyright (C) 2004 by Ketchup345
    Not to be used without Ketchup345's Permission

  3. #3


    heh, gotta give ya credit for resisting to post until now.. =]
    yah, i'll seen ya before on alt4

    have fun..
    Blink & you might miss it! ;3

    Oh, keep sig at 600x180 px & 49KB, yah?

  4. #4


    Welcome to the PSOW forums!

    Please be sure to read the stickies and forum rules before posting on the boards, as they have alot of information regarding alot of questions you may have. Forum searches also come in handy if a guide doesn't have something you're looking for. Chances are, you'll find it there.

    This sticky is one of the most important to read, as it answers alot of questions, such as information on the J-Sword or Dark Flow. Also, this sticky is used to state your favorite and least favorite things about PSO. If you wish to brag about some of the items you have found, use this thread here.

    I hope you can enjoy the forums as much as I have, and that you'll become a regular user here!

    Not copywritten (C) 2004 by Eanae
    Can be used without Eanae's permission

  5. #5
    La Chupacabra-1/2 Azn Ogre KaFKa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    A Coniferous Oasis in the Mojave Desert


    read the fucking forum rules, and have a nice day.

  6. #6


    Welcome to The PSO World!

    You from Minnesota? My Grandma lives there.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Getintothegame on 2004-08-17 10:05 ]</font>

  7. #7
    Old-school RA Sir_Laguna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ship 02, Yas in hand-- all I need.


    Yes I am. I live in a suburb of St. Paul, just 15 minutes away from the overpriced arcades of the MoA.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sir_Laguna on 2004-08-17 23:29 ]</font>
    Sir Laguna: Always outnumbered, never outgunned.

    We're doing this in 2020.

  8. #8


    Welcome to PSOW, have fun, enjoy your stay.

    As Ketchup will mention always read the stickies and the forum rules. This sticky is especially important, it pisses people off to no end when some one asks "Where do I find Olga Flow DNA?"

    is best when refridgerated , remember that, it will come in handy many a time.

    If you are ever looking PSO enemy drops rates (ones that eRUPT hasn't added to the PSOW database) use this. Most questions on PSO can be anwsered by the Guides, but don't be afraid to ask if you do have any questions. If someone gives you a hard time about asking then just tell them to die or something along those lines.

    No Nachos for you! If we had any nachos, then Frink would steal them.

    Copyright (C) 2004 by _Ted_

  9. #9
    Old-school RA Sir_Laguna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ship 02, Yas in hand-- all I need.


    What?! Come on! Perhaps you need to keep a more steady flow of N00bie nachos going. Um... are they any different from normal nachos? Anything that sets them aside from other varieties of nachoes other than that they're "N00bie?"

    And you say Frink steals the nachos around here? That's... that's just not right. Nachos should be available to all those who request them.

    Sir Laguna: Always outnumbered, never outgunned.

    We're doing this in 2020.

  10. #10






    *hands the new guy some n00bie nachos*

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