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  1. #1
    What you call my momma?
    Join Date
    Jul 2001



    I started gaming in 1996 with my first playstation. My friend had one and when i saw him playin crash bandicoot: warped, i almost started crying, i was 9 years old. Well i got my dream. I had also a very cheap computer that year with games like xargon, wolf 3d, doom, and cosmo. In 1998 i got a better PC because i was begining to think my games sucked, and that friend that had that psx i wanted had a dad that was a computer engineer and suggested me to get the internet to check on games and such (he's a pure gamer). I got internet in 1999, where i also switched to a dreamcast. Then a couple of months later it got dumped by sega. I felt bad for buying a console that i payed 300$ CAN, and that was then worthy 100. I played pso for about a year (including psov2 import), then i bought a ps2 in 2001. I had then a job as a babysitter where the mom would give me a whoopin 12 bucks an hour (7 is average salary for a kid like me). Slowly i got richer, and i finished up by having all the AAA titles (16 in total). Then i sold it like a foolish kid for an xbox.

    Here's where it begins, in 2002, about 4 months ago.

    I bought JSRF, gunvalkyrie, rallisport, NBS2k2, Halo and morrowind. Let me tell you that now i am officially bored.

    JSRF i had been about 7/8 thru the game when my xbox broke down and i had to change it (couldnt transfer HD, that was the problem), so i gave up on that. Besides i didnt like the game. Then i played gunvalkyrie which i played for half an hour and i couldnt sell it because my stores top referer is gamespot (they gave it 6.7 i think). Rallisport was cool but i wanted something like GT3 on ps2, but with rallisports controls. SHame you couldnt "buy" cars. I bought nba in request of my little brother because he played it on dreamcast, but he quickly stoped playing for some odd reason. Halo was a blast, i'm still playing it. Didn't bother playing the other difficulties because i never play a single player mode twice. I also bought a cable to play on the net because co-op wasnt really fun with 2 people, but that fun ended quickly with the loss of time spent on finding a game and the tremendous lag. Morrowind was cool, really cool. I played it about 8 hours a day till about last week where i found out that all those hours were not giving me any challenge at all and i was going nowhere with all this.

    The only thing that's keeping me keep my xbox is project ego. I loved the guys' games and i have faith in his games. But that's the only thing that's keeping me from moving on. Cube, you crazy man, you kind of made me think of getting a gamecube. Your strongest comment was "the xbox is destined to fail", made me sad. I dont want it to fail, and now i'm begining to think that gamecube will indeed, last for a long time. I can't afford it to fail. Now my questions: with that in mind, should i get gamecube? if i get it, what games should i immedietly buy if i can only afford around 3 games? i'm planning to get the new pso versions, how much i need to invest in the online software and hardware (kbrd, modem, HD(?))? is purple the only color? is the controller confortable? will the c-shaded zelda have improved c-shaded graphics? will metroid prime control like a true fps? is it worth 300 bucks(can)? do i need a memory card (how much is it?)? will you guys play with me on pso?

    Well i'll have more questions over time but that;s it for now. Abdur, dont give me a fat "no", or at least give me a reason. I know there are a lot of new microsoft games coming out but hmm....i have a pc to play onlin,e and so far all that i need to be alive is pso. I WANT IT BAD! and xbox pso doesnt look too....good for now.

  2. #2
    Post Farmer (minus the S)
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    I can answer a few of your questions.

    On 2002-07-07 11:30, Dabra_Shenrox wrote:

    what games should i immedietly buy if i can only afford around 3 games?
    Well, Eternal Darkness definitely, Super Smash Bros. Melee if you have a bunch of people to play with, and Super Monkey Ball is a pretty fun game.(These are just my opinions, the only one I am pretty sure you'd like is Eternal Darkness)

    i'm planning to get the new pso versions, how much i need to invest in the online software and hardware (kbrd, modem, HD(?))?
    I know the modem is about $35 but that's about all I know...

    is purple the only color?
    Hell no, I'm not sure what all colors there are but I do know there is black.

    is the controller confortable?
    I think it is.

    do i need a memory card (how much is it?)?
    Yes, make sure you get the new memory cards since they hold 5x more then the first ones. I think these are also around $30.

    will you guys play with me on pso?
    No... (Well maybe )

  3. #3


    I say just find a way to get 150 dollars and buy a GC. Its not that hard, i did it.
    Orange Hand. CZ-75b.

  4. #4


    as memory cards go, i think the memory card 251 will be out soon, if it isnt already. a normal mem card, holds an ample amount of space, but if you have your gamecube for a while, you might need another one.

    i can say the controller is the best one ive played with yet. how well did you adapt to the xbox controller? that might answer a few questions.

    as for games, you have to tell us what kind of games youre into, if you plan to get extra controllers, etc. eternal darkness is a great single player game, while smash bros is an excellent multiplayer game. its all up to you.

    not sure how much the keyboard will be. there might be adaper, like on the DC.

  5. #5
    What you call my momma?
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    Jul 2001


    I dont like resident evil for one, if eternal darkness is something a long those lines, or has the same camera stuff and things like "this door is locked, you will need a rusty key" or "you have found 5 rusty keys", then forget it lol.

    I am goiong to buy 2 controllers, to play with my brother and eventually a friend. I like mainly fps, but i got enough on my uber computer so i dont need any for a console. Party games are always cool and i need a game that's about 50 hours in lengh, a good story and needs a lot of time investment. Kind of like metal gear solid with it's story but longer.

  6. #6
    Everyone's God Ness's Avatar
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    First of all, we shouldn't have had to answer all those questions. If you had just done research at or Gamespot, you wouldn't have had so many questions. I think Smash Bros. Melee is a good game.

    PS. You were a fool to buy an Xbox and sell your PS2!

  7. #7


    I think that you believe what people tell you too much dabra. Cube made that comment about the xbox and then later said he wanted one. Do what you like. Personally I play my xbox at least 10 times more then my GC and many of my friends sold their GC's for Xboxes but it's all a matter of taste

  8. #8
    What you call my momma?
    Join Date
    Jul 2001


    Well i'm a very naive person if you hadn't noticed. If you read my history, i barely kept a console more than a year, mainly because of critics.

    And based on reviews, ssbm looks oustanding, and eternal darkness, i think, is what i'm looking for...i like party games a LOT, and so far what xbox has gave me is fuzion frenzy which i didnt really like.

  9. #9
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    I agree, honestly, people here really need to make up their own minds when it comes to making these kind of decisions. You yourself have to look at the games being released, the hardware and decide. ANYONE can say "Yah, it's so kickass you won't regret it!", but what happens when you do finally get it and you'r dissapointed?

    I sure as hell won't be selling my X-box in exchange for a GC, you should be selling some computer games you don't play to get money for a GC. You're really losing money if you just opt for an exchange.

    And don't listen to Cube's ability to read the future >_>
    I could easily say the GC is going to fall in a fiery inferno of crap, and that all Nintendites should sell their GC's as quick as possible to be able to get X-box's. Every system dies, look at the DC, it died too fucking soon, but people still play it don't they? SNES has been dead for how long, I and many other people still pull ours out and play it.

    All systems die, it's the enjoyment you get out if it that matters. That is the ONLY reason for a game system, pure enjoyment.

    I'm not going to answer your questions, because everyone else did, and it's kind of fruitless, because we could give you an entire list of amazing games and hardware, but ultimately, you have to want a GC for your own reasons.

    Good luck in deciding though.
    Look, he did it again.

  10. #10


    On 2002-07-07 13:29, ABDUR101 wrote:
    SNES has been dead for how long, I and many other people still pull ours out and play it.
    NO! The SNES will never die! SHUT UP! It lives I tell you! It lives in the hearts of that little boy, and that little girl. And him, and her, and even me! As long as it lives on in our hearts, the system will never die! NEVER!!!
    Creator of Tethealla, Administrator of Ephinea.

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