After finally obtaining a Sealed J Sword last week, I decided to do the obvious and attempt to unseal it. I had high expectations that the most widely accepted count, 23,000, would end the misery of normal MA - unfortunately for me, it did not.
After amassing 27,500 kills in normal MA ( That was 55 runs at exactly 500 kills ) I was disheartened and decided to use it casually from then on.
I noticed the J-sword in my quick menu items list this afternoon during a temple run
I kept a note of the quests I done since I quit MA, and using the quest/area counts estimated that I killed a minimum of 2000 enemies. I was playing mainly with just a force or low level ult friends, so the actual number of kills I got should be a little higher. Therefore my personal kill count is 30,000 approx.
Ready to use.
My Sealed J had 35 Machine, which was carried over to the Tsumikiri. Thats good news for Blitz
The TJS, complete with carried over %.
I have never felt more satisfied with a game than I feel now Thanks to Aura and Barubary for the drive, Adam for the tips, and of course everyone else at PSOW.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Brownski on 2005-03-16 15:20 ]</font>
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