Introduction: The Memory

In his mind it all began with a series of words strung together to form a sentence, which now balances near extinction in his thoughts. The details of this particular memory are far too ambiguous to be made sense of. However, the clarity of which this particular sentence remains will often wake Chopin from his dreams.
Was it a man or a woman? He could not be sure. The hair of this person was quite long, he knew, but was it red or brown? The face was pale, but in his mind it was void of any features so that Chopin often found himself desperately trying to place the eyes, ears, nose and mouth in their respective places, but he could not remember their shape or defining contours to complete such a task. The body was slender but lost to a swirl of color he perceived to be clothing. When Chopin sought to define this moment by surroundings he found himself sinking into even more confusion. They were outside, he understood that much because they were occupying a space that appeared to be a vast blur of green, but everything appeared to be liquid and shapeless. Yet, perhaps the most disturbing particularity of this dream was the darkness. At first it crept in at the outer edges of this thought and then slowly began to devour the fluid green landscape. It is in this darkness that the only detail of this memory is revealed. The ambiguous and fading person that stood in the middle of this delicate picture spoke softly: ?I love you.? The voice was undefined. It doesn?t belong to a male or a female, instead it belonged to every male and female that has ever lived. Perhaps if Chopin could just choose one voice out of the billions the rest of this memory could be solid. But he never has the time to listen closely, because the ravenous darkness engulfs what little remains, leaving Chopin to stare at nothing in particular, but frozen with the notion that he might understand this time.
Why, you might ask, is this fraction of a memory so important? Surely Chopin has other, more important memories. To that question I will answer that that memory is the only memory that Chopin has left. Everything before that moment in time has been erased as if it never existed, and indeed, to Chopin it never did. Yet, somehow, one memory managed to survive and that one memory keeps Chopin determined to understand what he lost. At this point, you must realize that if this memory had been claimed just like the others, Chopin would feel no need to rearrange his life before the incident. Without this memory he could have started again and structured himself a new life. Indeed, Chopin would not have been Chopin at all. Instead, he would have been a mere coincidence, or a look-a-like with the same name. But instead, he is forced to cling to a memory that offers not one clue of who he used to be.
That is why it is so crucial that this story be told. If someone else understands the events I am about to describe, then just maybe, Chopin will too.
Who am I? I am the person in the memory. I am dead now, but I am alive by those that keep me locked away in their thoughts. Yes, that is how I have come to compose this story for Chopin. Those that remember me will be my pen and paper and fulfill my last wish: to restore my memory in Chopin?s mind. The frailty by which I remain there disturbs me. If I am forgotten by him, then I will also be incomplete. There are many people who can forget me, but Chopin is the most important factor in my survival and without him I will be erased just as all his other memories were.
But I must continue forward with our story. It is difficult to compose a story that is scattered among the minds of many, so forgive that I cannot put events in the proper order, but I trust that it will all make sense in the end. Bear in mind that all details included are not significant, yet every section will hold at least one significant detail. Also, understand that because I am pulling these words from other?s memories, there is the possibility of conflict of events, however, I am trusting that once again you will be able to decipher the correct order of events. The last thing I will ask you to consider is while reading a particular recollection it is most important to decide whose point of view it is. Some memories are to be trusted more than others, and I have faith you will come to know to whom those belong.
Now, keeping all that in mind, you are ready to proceed to the first memory.
Good luck.

Just a little preview of what I will be continuing in the near future. Feel free to comment - but keep in mind this is only the beginning. <3