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  1. #1


    Well, it seems that as of late I've had a desire to start playing GC PSO again, and I want to make a new character. I already have the Class and ID picked out.

    I've been wanting to try a FOmarl out for quite some time now, and Pinkal is the last ID that I still need to make for GC version, so those are the two I've decided on. However, the part I'm stuck with is coming up with a good name to yield a Pinkal ID. I'ts been hard to come up with a name that doesn't use symbols or spaces to manipulate the name to yield a particular ID (for some reason, having those in the name bugs me ) So far, the best name I've come up with is "Flame" (which might work, if I choose to go with one of her red costumes, but I feel that there are better names I could go with).

    So, if anyone who's reading this knows of any good Pinkal names, I'd appreciate it if you could throw them my way so I have more options to work with. Thanks.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ryna on 2005-08-16 20:11 ]</font>

  2. #2

  3. #3
    The FOnewm with attitude.
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The compartment under your floor.


    wat i do is use the section id calculator on this site and pick a name i like (in my case SatanV#)
    then i try a bunch of combonations to see if they work. (SatanV1,SatanV2,Satanv1, SatanV1,SatanV1 .)
    slightly different but make different IDs.

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Thanks to everyone who posted suggestions. That link was very helpful, astuarlen. I came to a decision and named my FOmarl Yuri.

    Once again, thanks!

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