Results 1 to 9 of 9
  1. #1


    I feel that I need to dedicate a rant just for him. My brother.

    Me and my brother have the same father and mother but he looks like his dad and I look like my mom. Now my dad was a criminal and abusive and we left him and I feel that my brother is following in his footsteps.

    1)He's lazy
    He is the most laziest and nasties person in the world. Sometimes going weeks w/o bnathing or brushing his teeth and laughing at me while I gag and sometimes throw up over the nasty ass scent he carries w/o bathing.

    All he does is sit on the couch, watch Tv, or play games. He has his 2 chores but he never does one and for the other he does an awful job on it.

    When I was growing up (still am) my mom was very disciplined on me. I would get in trouble for bringing home B's and I had to clean up and do all the household chores since I had to be the man of the house. Now I know why she did this for she has her famous qoute "The only way a black male can be successful in the world is if he works twice as hard as anyone else".

    Now I agree with this but how come you don't discipline my brother? He brings home F's and you just throw him on some dinky punishment. You let him not do his chores. You let him smart mouth you and sit and do nothing. If i had done all those things, even if i had brought home a C, I would get a serious beat down!

    2) His nasty attitude

    My bro has the worse attitude ever. He talks about EVERYONE in the house. From the dog to even making sarcastic remarks to my mom. But he really goes after me.

    The first insult he throws at me is of my looks. I usually where my head ball and when I do this (especially in the winter) along with my light brown skin tone, I look of hispanic heritage. I also have a semi deep yet high voice so he calls me Micky Mouse. Most times I don't mind but it gets on my nerves when alll you hear every day is "Mexican!" or his awful imitation of Mickey Mouse's voice.

    Then the 2nd insult is an insult he calls everyone, gay. Well he doesn't use the word gay but he uses the offensive F or L word for it. (I don't want to type it out for I don't want to offend anyone on here)

    One reason why he goes after me is that I hang out around a bunch of girls and I'm into the arts. I draw, I write stories, I paint, and I do poetry. I love nature and I'm always staring out the window dmiring it. Well, because this, I am so called un manly. I mean, whats wrong with writing poetry? Yes, I love to look out the window for a long time and I hang out with mainly girls because I don't really like guys.

    Not only that but he accuses my 9 yr old sister of being gay and sometimes he'll say my mom is to. I'm starting to think that he may actually be the gay one.

    3) Childish

    Again, he is 13 yrs old and my sister is 9 and yet he tries to compete with her in everything. He still orders frekakin happy meals and they'll compare whos toy is better. If the mail arrives they'll race each other. My sister finds this fun but he is serious. This could be postivive thoguh but he always talks about my sister heavily till the point she breaks down and cries.

    If you've looked in the Real life pic thread and saw my the pic of me and my sis, you'll notice that she has very very fair, yellow skin and she has gray eyes. She is not biracial and this is very rare in african americans. Becuase of this, my brother will call her white girl and make fun of ehr light skin tone and my sister is very sensitive to this. For though, my mom has yellow skin like my sister, its not as light as my sisters so she kinda feels a bit out of placed sometimes.

    Now I am yellow brown (this summer i've turned orange brown and have earned the nickname, baby carrot) and my brother is the basic brown of most african americans and for some reason I feel that hes sub conscious about this for he is the darkest in the family. I dunno why? Yous should be happy with what god gave you but the comments he makes makes this quite obvious.

    4) His anger
    Just like his father he has severe anger problems. I use to when I was 5-6 but I grew out of it and now i shrug everything off but his gets worse and worse.

    Everyone once and a while, when I'm fed up with him talking about everyone, I'll start to joke with him, and he'll start to cry and get all upset.(heh, its no fun when the tables are turned) Eventually he'll get so angry that he'll try to attck me and this will lead to devastating fights. In our fights I always go on the defense and try to pin him down so he calm down but every now and then I'll have to punch him. I hate fighting but I dunno why insists ogoing against someone 3 times older than him. I'm shorter than him but I'm stronger.

    When he feels hes losing the fight he'll go in the kitchen and grab a knife (one time a fire lighter) and try to attack me with it. I've been REALLY lucky to not get stabbed out of all these fights. I'll eventually somehow kick the knife out of his hand or my mom will talk him out of it an dthats how his rages will end.

    But sometimes he'll get mad over some little things(if i tell him to clean up) that he'll start screaming and saying that hes gonna kill me and everyone else and he hopes i die.

    5) His evilness
    My bro is very evil. He will lie to the end and will lie over little things. One time when I was lifting waits. I had put 2 starburst on the table. Now only me and him were inthe house and I saw him in the kitchen and yet when I confronted him he lied and lied.

    He use to destroy certain things of mine. Until one day, he broke a organizer that my grand mom on our dads side gave me and I called her and she fussed at him. Now he breaks his own stuff. (I dunno why, for hes only hurting himself)

    But what really is evil about you is that hes a snake in the grass. He will literally turn the tables around on everything with bold flat out lies. He'll warp around words and actions to make his opponent look like the suspect for his crime.

    I've always envied friends of mines that had brothers and they were so close and they held secrets amongst themselves for i can't do that with mine. I remember one time, I had no one to talk to and one of my ex girlfriends had talked to me. I was very hurt for she dumped me and I told him I didn't want my mom to know.....the next day he tells my mom and laughs about it in my face.

    Not only this but he has no life so listens to my conversations on the phone. He so childish for he'll go back and tell my mom "OMG, KISSED SOMEONE!!!!!" and let her know all sorts of things. Nut what really topped it off was when he told my mom I was thinking about having sex. This was something I was gonna take my time and come to her on my own but he had went through my backpack and found a note from a friend of mine talking about the subject at hand.

    I care for my brother but I feel that I'll never be able to have a brother relationship with him for every attempt that I've made to bond with him, he destroyed it. Me and my 9 year old sister have the only sibling bond in the house. My brother is cold person. But i know, that he only do this stuff because of his low self esteem. He was picked on at one time, hes sub conscious about his skin tone and his looks, he doesn't really stand out ina crowd, hes a follower, he can't pass or reach the goals I'v made, and he is a coward.

    Now hes in his whole gangster phase. And it really piss me off with the cheap ebonics. I mean, you can tell hes tryings. Though we've lived in hoods and projects we've never acted like SOME of the people that lived their. We were raised better than that.

    I think what has happened was that my mom had me at a young age and after raising me and dealing with an abusive boyfriend(my dad) and going to college at a late age, she grew up to fast and now she wants to relive it. She put so much discipline in my life, she made me do chores to make me be a better person, and she gave me a million pep talks and made me read various books all so that I can be a decent person in life and I thank her for that but shes worn out and she lets my sister and brother get away with a lot.(Shes a bit stricter on my sister though)

    But I think the future for my brother is not so great. He needs to get his stuff together. He needs to find himself, and set his standards higher.
    Last edited by InfinityXXX; Jun 22, 2011 at 01:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy HAYABUSA-FMW-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    PaRappa Town


    I don't know what to say other than I relate to you with my younger brother.

    He's 4 years younger.

    Always been quiet, but now that he's a "big bad teen", he wants to insult everyone.

    He wants to slam every door in the house.

    He wants to steal, lie, cheat, and be a lazy jerk.

    He stole over 10 dollars worth of quarters our family was saving in a map of the United States which had holes for the state quarters, to buy drugs.

    When I spent my one day off during a 6 day work week doing chores all day, without being told to(no one was home to supervise) for hours on end, he was running in and out of the house going next door and lighting up with the losers who have no jobs and are considered "low lifes."

    He later got mad at me for doing my chores. I do every chore my parents ask of me, and pay rent, and he's upset that he didn't do anything and got in trouble for it, being angry at me? What kind of twisted logic is that?!

    He later got his loser friends to call me and leave a prank message on my cell phone. "you cried and walked home when you had to stay late and walked home, boo hoo, couldn't go to grandma's house on 4th of July! Fag!"

    One, I worked one hour later than scheduled, it wasn't set in stone, I called ahead to tell both parents about it. They were going to bring me to the party. I called 8 times during the day, back and forth, no answer, then oh we forgot. How do you forget when I asked and caled ahead, telling you about the time I was off. Ignoring me. Fuck it, I was really angry and walked home. I didn't cry about it.

    Mom tried to pick me up when walking on a steep ass hill and I wasn't going to break my ankles to run across a busy downhill street. Stupid brother in the car, laughing at me.

    Bastard, bringing our family into whatever revenge shit he wants to do with his retarded friends. Telling themmy cell phone number, real low.

    His inability to get money. He steals it from my mom, borrows it by asking later, never pays back.

    Get a job? He got one handed to him on a silver platter by an older brother. He was caught sleeping on the job. Cashed his paycheck and spent everything on drugs and a PSP.

    When I try to help him move a seat out of the way and his PSP was about to be smashed, "HEY don't touch my PSP-buy your own jealous ass!"
    "I was moving it to help you so it wouldn't drop, I can buy my own if I want to, I'm not jealous of your crap. I don't like any PSP games right now. And its expensive for what it is."
    "No, you're jealous!"

    He can't get a job now because he told our mom I'm a bad influence, being able to get and keep a job for years without having to drive/own a car.

    He "needs a car" to get a job. Fuck that, he's going to drive around buying drugs/skateboarding/being a loser. He can't get a job first and buy his own.

    Walks out when he gets told he can't go out and leave the house at 11 PM, midnight, whatever. Gets "grounded" by dad, next day mom lets him do whatever he wants, leave the house whatever.

    I got really upset when I caught him red handed growing a marijuana plant in his closet. Pushed him around, yelled at him, tried to smack some sense in him. Cried, told him I loved him, asking why he's doing this to himself, and our mom, and everyone.

    He later tells our mom I beat him up, neglecting to mention he was committing a felony in our own house, which could have gotten our house taken away.

    When I'm really upset I tell him to his face that he's going to be in bars one day and I'll be laughing at him for all the money he stole from us, yelling at us thinking we stole drugs or whatever from him
    (he yelled at my dad and I cussing in our faces saying we're jealous of something he had that was missing from his bag-WTF, we have more money than he's ever seen before, what kind of special crap would he have that we would want to steal from him?!).

    While he's crying in jail, while he did this to himself, and how I'm not going to help him again, not after he stole from two stores and got caught. How I had to drop everything I was doing twice, and his stupidass friends tried to get me to sign him out of detention instead of telling our parents, "You're 18. you can sign him out.". Didn't have to go to jail but its on his record, he can't go to those stores, and owes hundreds of dollars for it.

    Him and his loser friends failed to put together a basketball hoop while I was at work, the other day. They didn't follow the instructions and the stupidass kid who craps in the trash can/eats all our food, broke a handle that moves it up and down. Breaks a handle on a brand new hoop/base after he broke the backboard of our last ones, and we told him he isn't welcome in our home anymore.

    It wasn't always this way.
    He became a teenager and suddenly, he's a bad person.
    Peer pressure, this area, these damn suburban kids who are trying to be bad/be gangster whatever when they're spoiled suburban caucasian nobodies.

    I hate this city soo much.

  3. #3


    well, I can't say that I have any relatives like that, but damn, that must be horrible. both of you. I can imagine how that must be though.
    why don't your parents ever do anything about this? do they not care? do they not believe what you say about him? your mom should..give him a spanking, or something. he'll end up growing up like that, and wind up in jail, or..I dunno, getting shot while hanging out with his gangsta friends.

    and, there's the end of my mini-rant.

  4. #4


    Infinity, you do not know how much that described my very own brother, same age.


  5. #5


    Other than the evilness, kind of reminds me of my older sister...

    Talk to your mom about the situation, and then have her talk to him. It's the only thing I can really think of at the moment. If that doesn't work...well...I'll get a paintball gun then...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arthas_Zero on 2005-09-10 06:44 ]</font>

  6. #6


    On 2005-09-10 06:44, Arthas_Zero wrote:
    If that doesn't work...well...I'll get a paintball gun then...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arthas_Zero on 2005-09-10 06:44 ]</font>
    Paintball guns work quite well for people like your bro.

  7. #7


    Sorry about what your going through Hayabusa with your bro and thanks everyone for your advice, I feel I may need to buy a paint gun for what he did a few minutes ago.

    The BET telethon played yesterday but I had to go with the band for the friday football game.(we lost badly) so my mom recorded it. Now we have COX digital cable and we have the tivo thing so it is recorede on our cable box in the living room.

    Today I had watched half of it but I had to go watch my sister cheer for her football game. Well when I got back Trey (my bro) was watching tv so me and my mom left to go run errands, we got back at the house at 8p.m my time and Trey(my bro) was still watching Tv. He was watching Naruto and I told him after it goes off I want to watch the last 30 minutes of the telethon.(It'll probably be 15 minutes because I'll be fast forwarding)

    So Naruto goes off and heres the basic convo

    Me:Alright, Trey lemme see the remote I need to do some homework after this

    Trey:*shakes head*

    Me: Trey you've had the TV all DAY! You can get basic cable in our room.

    Trey:*like a smart ass* You should've watched it when you were. You had all day to watch.

    Me:I was gone all day and I had to go

    I knew he was looking for a fight so I went to my mom. She was trying to talk Trey into just letting me watch the telethon. For the 18 minutes we stood there I just gave up and said never mind.

    What really pissed me off is when I told him he can get nickelodeon and cartoon network on basic cable he turned to the alternative nickelodeon channel which plays some old nickelodeon shows and is not on basic cable.

    The thing is, is that the alternative Nickelodeon plays the same episodes ALL DAY! Not only that but we could've easily compromised for he could've just left it on the alternative nick station and after I finish watching the rest of the telethon he could've tivoed it back!!!!!!

    But Noo, he wanted to be an fluckin' idiot asshole and insist on having control of the tv.


    Part 2 of Childish

    Not only that but hes so fluckin' childish! All he does is sit his 13 year old ass on the couch and watch CARTOONS!!!!!!(going from nickelodeon and cartoon network with some fresh prince of Bel-Aire) from the moment he wakes up till the moment he falls asleep.(he sleeps on the couch)

    Earlier we had got some mcdonalds(i just ate a pb and j sanwich.) and he ate some of his big mac and left the other half of it in the refrigerator. So somehow it disapperead.(His stupidass ate it cuz I saw him finish it off but TREY IS NEVER WRONG) So he starts accusing everyone of eating his big mac

    He went after me first and I told him, "why would I want to eat after somebody who never washes his hands, only takes baths on SCHOOLDAYS and brushes his teeth only once a day and ONLY on school days." but he went on so I just got my cd player and tuned him out but he didn't stop there, he went after our sister. So he actually argued with a 9 year old 4th grade girl.(Hes in 8th grade).

    My sister got so fed up that she just slammed the door in his face and he started calling her white girl and said he was gonna kill her and then said he was gonna kill himself.(Hes threatened suicide so much that we don't even take him serious anymore after his miserable attempts. He tried hanging himself on our bunk bed which he is taller than)

    I honestly dunno what is wrong with him. My mom don't even know whats wrong with him. He acts so crazy and psycho and nothing has really made him psycho. If there is anyone in our house that should have mental problems it should be me for I actually witnessed all the beatings of my mom and seeing my own dad hold my mom hostage at gunpoint.

    But this bitch, my bro, has had a stable life. When he was 1yrs old we left our father and he never ever saw my mom get hit by our dad for his 1yr of being around him.

    I cant stand him. I don't want him to die or get hurt(physically) but I just hope one day, he will finally pay for all his evilness for hes really been evading his karma over the years.

    One day, I hope someone outside our family, do him so wrong that he finally reallizes that his family is all he got.

    He'll do terrible things to me, our mom, and our sis but he'll BE THE BITCH TO HIS FRIENDS OR ANY OUTSIDER AND LET THEM PUNK HIM!

    I'm so sick and tired of him. I be so glad when I graduate next year so I can take my college money out my account and go live on a dorm ONLY so I won't have to be around him anymore!

  8. #8


    I'm sorry, but leaving him be and letting him continue this shit isn't going to solve anyone's problems. I know it might not be the "correct" thing to do, but beat the shit out of him the next time he acts up. He obviously doesn't view anyone of you as an authority figure, so make him. Show him what will happen to him in the real world if he pulls this crap.

  9. #9


    On 2005-09-08 23:03, InfinityXXX wrote:
    I feel that I need to dedicate a rant just for him. My brother.

    Me and my brother have the same father and mother but he looks like his dad and I look like my mom. Now my dad was a criminal and abusive and we left him and I feel that my brother is following in his footsteps.

    1)He's lazy
    He is the most laziest and nasties person in the world. Sometimes going weeks w/o bnathing or brushing his teeth and laughing at me while I gag and sometimes throw up over the nasty ass scent he carries w/o bathing.

    All he does is sit on the couch, watch Tv, or play games. He has his 2 chores but he never does one and for the other he does an awful job on it.

    When I was growing up (still am) my mom was very disciplined on me. I would get in trouble for bringing home B's and I had to clean up and do all the household chores since I had to be the man of the house. Now I know why she did this for she has her famous qoute "The only way a black male can be successful in the world is if he works twice as hard as anyone else".

    Now I agree with this but how come you don't discipline my brother? He brings home F's and you just throw him on some dinky punishment. You let him not do his chores. You let him smart mouth you and sit and do nothing. If i had done all those things, even if i had brought home a C, I would get a serious beat down!

    2) His nasty attitude

    My bro has the worse attitude ever. He talks about EVERYONE in the house. From the dog to even making sarcastic remarks to my mom. But he really goes after me.

    The first insult he throws at me is of my looks. I usually where my head ball and when I do this (especially in the winter) along with my light brown skin tone, I look of hispanic heritage. I also have a semi deep yet high voice so he calls me Micky Mouse. Most times I don't mind but it gets on my nerves when alll you hear every day is "Mexican!" or his awful imitation of Mickey Mouse's voice.

    Then the 2nd insult is an insult he calls everyone, gay. Well he doesn't use the word gay but he uses the offensive F or L word for it. (I don't want to type it out for I don't want to offend anyone on here)

    One reason why he goes after me is that I hang out around a bunch of girls and I'm into the arts. I draw, I write stories, I paint, and I do poetry. I love nature and I'm always staring out the window dmiring it. Well, because this, I am so called un manly. I mean, whats wrong with writing poetry? Yes, I love to look out the window for a long time and I hang out with mainly girls because I don't really like guys.

    Not only that but he accuses my 9 yr old sister of being gay and sometimes he'll say my mom is to. I'm starting to think that he may actually be the gay one.

    3) Childish

    Again, he is 13 yrs old and my sister is 9 and yet he tries to compete with her in everything. He still orders frekakin happy meals and they'll compare whos toy is better. If the mail arrives they'll race each other. My sister finds this fun but he is serious. This could be postivive thoguh but he always talks about my sister heavily till the point she breaks down and cries.

    If you've looked in the Real life pic thread and saw my the pic of me and my sis, you'll notice that she has very very fair, yellow skin and she has gray eyes. She is not biracial and this is very rare in african americans. Becuase of this, my brother will call her white girl and make fun of ehr light skin tone and my sister is very sensitive to this. For though, my mom has yellow skin like my sister, its not as light as my sisters so she kinda feels a bit out of placed sometimes.

    Now I am yellow brown (this summer i've turned orange brown and have earned the nickname, baby carrot) and my brother is the basic brown of most african americans and for some reason I feel that hes sub conscious about this for he is the darkest in the family. I dunno why? Yous should be happy with what god gave you but the comments he makes makes this quite obvious.

    4) His anger
    Just like his father he has severe anger problems. I use to when I was 5-6 but I grew out of it and now i shrug everything off but his gets worse and worse.

    Everyone once and a while, when I'm fed up with him talking about everyone, I'll start to joke with him, and he'll start to cry and get all upset.(heh, its no fun when the tables are turned) Eventually he'll get so angry that he'll try to attck me and this will lead to devastating fights. In our fights I always go on the defense and try to pin him down so he calm down but every now and then I'll have to punch him. I hate fighting but I dunno why insists ogoing against someone 3 times older than him. I'm shorter than him but I'm stronger.

    When he feels hes losing the fight he'll go in the kitchen and grab a knife (one time a fire lighter) and try to attack me with it. I've been REALLY lucky to not get stabbed out of all these fights. I'll eventually somehow kick the knife out of his hand or my mom will talk him out of it an dthats how his rages will end.

    But sometimes he'll get mad over some little things(if i tell him to clean up) that he'll start screaming and saying that hes gonna kill me and everyone else and he hopes i die.

    5) His evilness
    My bro is very evil. He will lie to the end and will lie over little things. One time when I was lifting waits. I had put 2 starburst on the table. Now only me and him were inthe house and I saw him in the kitchen and yet when I confronted him he lied and lied.

    He use to destroy certain things of mine. Until one day, he broke a organizer that my grand mom on our dads side gave me and I called her and she fussed at him. Now he breaks his own stuff. (I dunno why, for hes only hurting himself)

    But what really is evil about you is that hes a snake in the grass. He will literally turn the tables around on everything with bold flat out lies. He'll warp around words and actions to make his opponent look like the suspect for his crime.

    I've always envied friends of mines that had brothers and they were so close and they held secrets amongst themselves for i can't do that with mine. I remember one time, I had no one to talk to and one of my ex girlfriends had talked to me. I was very hurt for she dumped me and I told him I didn't want my mom to know.....the next day he tells my mom and laughs about it in my face.

    Not only this but he has no life so listens to my conversations on the phone. He so childish for he'll go back and tell my mom "OMG, DEIDRICK KISSED SOMEONE!!!!!" and let her know all sorts of things. Nut what really topped it off was when he told my mom I was thinking about having sex. This was something I was gonna take my time and come to her on my own but he had went through my backpack and found a note from a friend of mine talking about the subject at hand.

    I care for my brother but I feel that I'll never be able to have a brother relationship with him for every attempt that I've made to bond with him, he destroyed it. Me and my 9 year old sister have the only sibling bond in the house. My brother is cold person. But i know, that he only do this stuff because of his low self esteem. He was picked on at one time, hes sub conscious about his skin tone and his looks, he doesn't really stand out ina crowd, hes a follower, he can't pass or reach the goals I'v made, and he is a coward.

    Now hes in his whole gangster phase. And it really piss me off with the cheap ebonics. I mean, you can tell hes tryings. Though we've lived in hoods and projects we've never acted like SOME of the people that lived their. We were raised better than that.

    I think what has happened was that my mom had me at a young age and after raising me and dealing with an abusive boyfriend(my dad) and going to college at a late age, she grew up to fast and now she wants to relive it. She put so much discipline in my life, she made me do chores to make me be a better person, and she gave me a million pep talks and made me read various books all so that I can be a decent person in life and I thank her for that but shes worn out and she lets my sister and brother get away with a lot.(Shes a bit stricter on my sister though)

    But I think the future for my brother is not so great. He needs to get his stuff together. He needs to find himself, and set his standards higher.

    If he's violent at 13, most likely he'll learn from his mistakes at 18 and probably get some girl he barely knows pregnant. Then he'll change his ways.

    This happend to a boy I know, myself.

    He wont BE your father simply because he doesn't live in exposure with him. You can't become something you don't grow with.

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