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  1. #1
    Official Ninja of PSOWorld
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    OK, I know this seems like a n00b query, but I've searched the boards for almost an hour for this question, and couldn't find the answer...

    How exactly, do I setup my keyboard/controller for player response shortcuts?

    Meaning, how do I set F5, F6, F7, etc to say "hello, >Player 1", hello, >Player2, >everybody", etc?

    Someone showed me how to do a few long ago, but I've forgotten.

    And is there a FAQ for this somewhere on the net? The closest I've come to where lobby animations, which was also a pretty cool find..


  2. #2


    Since I do not have the game up at the moment, I'm going from memory here...

    On the Customize Menu, do you see the places where you can map shortcuts to the up, down, left, and right digital pad directions? If you press the right-trigger button, you should be able go through a couple more listings to reach the F1-F12 keys.

  3. #3


    and it is... *gets box, flips through it and finds it on page 45* ... in the manual.
    「愛と空の女王様」を言でもいい。 We are Heroes. This is what we do!

  4. #4
    Official Ninja of PSOWorld
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Sorry guys, but this isn't helping.

    I need to know specifically how to add character names to comments, and that isn't in the manual.

    I want to be able to say "hello, >DARKSLAYER", "hello, >everybody" or something similar. This way I won't have to type the player's name, just hit F5 or F6 that corresponds to what player they are (1P, 2P, etc).

    Does anyone know how to do this?

  5. #5


    I think you'll only be able to set that when you are in a game with the number of players that you want to set shortcuts for. Also, keep in mind that the name for each player will usually change from game to game. You just can't set a shortcut for "Hello > Bob" and expect it to work in every game.
    However, you will be able to set shortcuts for things such as "Thank you > Everybody".

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ryna on 2005-11-15 19:05 ]</font>

  6. #6


    Ah, I see what you are asking. Basically shortcut something like, Hello. >[Player 1], [Player 2], etc. That is rather easy. Go into the Word Select menu while doing Shortcuts. Next, have a be sure to have a player in the game for the number you want. You then shortcut: Hello >[xxxx] (Where xxxx is the player's name in Word Select) This will change to correspond to whomever is in the game at that position. Also, using this you can shortcut saying hello, (Or any player directed Word Select) to yourself. I'm not sure if I made it clear, if not, I will try to get pictures to explain.

  7. #7
    Official Ninja of PSOWorld
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Thanks alot. I'll try that out as soon as I can.

    If you could add pics, that would help to if it isn't asking too much.


  8. #8


    you can also add the > player part to a manually put in text by pressing ...... F2 to 4 in a game (pioneer2 / ragol, not the lobby). the F keys have other functions too, try them out.
    「愛と空の女王様」を言でもいい。 We are Heroes. This is what we do!

  9. #9
    Official Ninja of PSOWorld
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Well, after a lot of playing around on my own, I found out how to do what I wanted to do with shortcuts:

    -Go to Chat Menu
    -Go to Shortcuts
    -Select a shortcut button (C-stick, D-pad, or F1-F12)
    -Select "Register"
    -Software keyboard shows up
    -Word Select menu magically appears
    -Select a pre-set statement, or build your own
    -Insert player's name at the end to have them automatically input ingame

    Why isn't this in the manual, or anywhere online? This feature is talked about, but never thoroughly explained, and it's almost as if it's kept secret...

    The fact that it's so hard to explain as a QUESTION here should've brought up FAQ's about this...are there any resources for this that I've overlooked?

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