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  1. #1


    What do the undead minions of Draculas' castle have to do with PSU?

    Hopefully plenty. If you ever played through Castlevania: Curse of Darkness you're familiar with Devil Forging. I am hoping that this is similar to what the new 'mags' do. The premise was this if you are unfamiliar:

    You fight enemies with different classes of weapons: Claw, Sword, Special, Spear, Axe...and accordingly enemies would drop colored "crystals of exp" to 'feed' your Innocent Devil/Mag. The ID/Mag would then evolve into different things and actually help you out like another player in the game. (They said it could be used to take up a teamslot on PSU)

    According to your wep preference your Devil/Mag would change into different things, with different abilities. So on PSU you might need to do like lots of swordwork to get your mag to make you a special dbl blade sword secret item or something.

    If you did the game right, you raised plenty of varied guys for each 'class' (fairy/heal, fighter, flying dragon etc) that would all do different things. Since Castlevania isn't online, they really were like having "Partner Machinery". My main guy (a Corpsey) had 'bone storm' where it would spin around shooting a machine-gun spray of sharpened bones around the room) These devils/mags are mostly larger then your own guy, and in some cases more powerful. They're well done and as intelligent as you can expect, proving what it looks like ST has in mind could work.

    You could also 'forge' new weps for yourself by combining ingredients you picked up from monsters like Aluminum, Damascus Steel, Jade and more. But on PSU your mag would probably do it instead of you, and come up with different things depending how you raised it.

    Key Elements for fun that are revealed:
    -The ability to raise bank and use many varied types of Partner things
    -The ability of the PM to not get in your way every second or to not need babysat
    -They're strong and actually helpful, as well as entertaining to look at
    -You don't produce only gimmicky or stupid items, you make way useful and cool looking stuff that people would want

    The Castlevania view of ST's Partner Machinery concept seems really solid and fun. If you want to try a preview of what it might be like on PSU, maybe give this game a shot. It definatly shows it can be done, and done in a fun way, that's helpful and not "Babysitting".
    The only thing that remains is to see if ST has pulled it off in a similarly smart and fun way to add another layer of greatness to PSU!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Saskatchewan, Canada


    That might be how they work.

    But perhaps in this case you raise your PM until it serves as a force ranger or hunter type.

  3. #3


    I was kind of (only kind of ) lost at first, but I get it. That sounds a lot like how partner machinery is described. I'm not sure if I would like to have my PM be bigger than me, but...Anyways, that sounds pretty sweet but I'd be happy with less coming from PMs. I'm really curious as to what and how the weapons your PM can forge. Will you be able to make rares like that?

  4. #4


    Hmmn, makes me think, I know that if they made it so PM's could equip weapons? And use their Special Abilitys?
    I know mags've used Shifty Debandy, whatnot, but if their successors could use Rafoie or something to the likes, or be able to tell what kind of spell would work more damage.

    Or maybe something as simple as, use electrical attacks in an area full of machines! (Like when in the mines in PSO. Or whatever similar place they make.)

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