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  1. #1
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
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    I was looking up some old info about PSII & it got me thinking. Seeing as what we've learned about items you can make in PSU (like weapons) & embue them with spells, Im reminded of items from PSII. Some items actually let you cast a certain tech an unlimited number of times, based on the item. Perhaps we're seeing a sort of return to that. Not necessarily the unlimited part, but, perhaps seeing weapons & maybe armor pieces to be used as ways to cast techs. Here are some examples Ive come across:

    Wind Scarf - Zan
    Fire Staff - Foi
    Storm Gear - Gizan
    Snow Crown - Deban
    Colour Scarf - Saner
    Green Sleeves - Shinb
    Crescent Gear, Aegis, Truth Sleeves, Amber Robe - Gires
    Crystal Harness, Crystal Chest, Crystal Nish - Gra

    If we do get a return to this, imagine the possible combinations you could come up with. Have 2-4 techs on a weapon & maybe an armor piece or 2 with other tech abilities. The possibilities would be endless.

  2. #2


    From my understanding, they were talking about how techniques are used on Force weapons.

    i.e. You imbue a hou with the techniques of your choice, then you use that weapon to cast the teachniques.

    I'm pretty sure they didn't mean that you can cast them on just any item...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kent on 2006-02-01 12:37 ]</font>

    ProTip: To damage your credibility, simply call any of the Phantasy Star games "massively-multiplayer."

  3. #3
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
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    Yeah, yeah, everyone's speculating about that. What was also said is that your PM can make ITEMS for you. It didnt just say weapons, it said items. Since you can add elements to the shield system now in PSU, perhaps weapons AND armor are both constructed from PMs. That being the case, it is entirely possible. It probably wont happen, but, if it did? It would so rock.

  4. #4


    who cares gimme a sheild i can put all my support techs into so i can dual weild katanas!

    sig by gama
    Justina human female Te/Hu maybe braver soon
    Shayla newman female Br/Ra
    Alisha.EXE cast female Bo/Hu
    ship 02 team:none

  5. #5


    Lol. One question. This system of amplification on weapons... do you believe that perhaps what is implied is that u can add newer 'specials' to your weapon and perhaps now on your armor- like how in PSO we had Berserk and that Air Slicing special move on some weapons- does it mean you can literally make your special move (u desire) on a weapon? If so, I'd go for something like Berserk on a saber and perhaps a TP stealing special on a sword... That's just my idea- something like Galleon's shops' adding special on your weapon shop...

    We will just have to see; what I especially like now is that everyone get's MST now and they all have the potential to use atleast Resta and Anti

  6. #6
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
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    Well given what we know so far & how Im seeing returns to some of PS's older roots, it COULD happen. Probably wont. Just saying that if it did, the possibilities would be nuts. To be fair to those focusing as Force-types, there would have to be a PP limit on the armor as well. Those that are Force-types should be the naturally superior casters.

  7. #7
    Death from Above Dre_o's Avatar
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    All this sounds....well, intriquing, but I just hope I can add cool effects like Bolt Blade to my melee weapons. If I can do that AND have awsome combos, my life is complete.

  8. #8


    Im do not think i'm liking the idea of techniques depending soley on PP per weapon, unless they make it to where the amount of PP on a weapon is also determined by the points you have in a class and your race.

    Example, newman with lots of points in force would naturally have more PP on a certain weapon than any other <race>/force but you can buy a higher level weapon with more base PP on it. Otherwise If every race can cast the same amount of spells because they have the same weapon then what is the benefit of going newman at all other than aesthetics.

    I think the point of being a caster race or class in any game is to out last in both energy (be it mana mp tp pp) and to outlast in effeciency and power of your spells. Even if newman had superior spellcasting, but a wand has 120 charges of a randomspell the fact a robot and the newman are casting the samespell 120 times (or however PP is deducted for casting a spell). However if they made the higher level you get the spell - lower the cost then I'd have no qualms with this system, but so far it's just not floating my boat I guess we'll see exactly how it works in later updates.

  9. #9
    Support Mage Extraordinare
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    i see where ur goin' Odin and i agree wit Yummi on the PP situation.

  10. #10
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
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    I already had stated that there would have to be a limit on the item's PP count or it wouldnt be fair to pure casters. It could be done. Im just wondering if it was.

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