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  1. #1


    I noticed someone post this:

    On 2006-07-31 16:51, DrewSeleski wrote:
    A thought just occurred to me... are they going to have seperate jp xbox 360 servers? I think those would be pretty empty

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DrewSeleski on 2006-07-31 16:51 ]</font>
    THAT"S RIGHT!!! This is shocking!!!!

    whoa I wonder if Sonic Team realizes this.

    separating the regions would cause a blackhole in the Xbox360 community. barely anyone in Japan would buy the Xbox360 version, and if they are isolated from US Xbox360, then the Xbox360 version is screwed if it's not at least linked to the other systems!!!

    so there are 2 options to avoid a population crisis:

    *Xbox360 version has Japan and U.S. regions linked for that version only.

    *or Xbox360 is linked to PC and PS2 servers in their own region.

    but things are not looking good for them.

    I mean its obvious almost no one in Japan even has or wants a Xbox360, so then what would Japanese 360 owners have to look forward to online if there is only like 11 people online at different times of the day?

    the U.S. Xbox360 community, even isolated, might not be as small as a isolated Japan Xbox360 community.

    but this is quite a predicament for them. how will Sonic Team solve this?????

  2. #2
    Lancers' Requiem
    Join Date
    May 2006
    North Carolina


    Well i think there are at most 300,000 Japanese 360's so lets say a 10th of them get this game, that is 10,000 people. So probably at the most you will see is in the hundreds online at any time, maybe a couple thousand.

    Of course I am sure PSU will sell more than 1/10th but I wonder if the people that own 360's would rather just play on their PS2 or PC with their friends?

  3. #3


    hmm what to say, i think sonic team might be in trouble in the 360 market for psu. mainly because no one really wants a 360 in japan. but who knows maybe psu will cause ppl to buy a 360 since pso/psu is such a big game that many people in japan like so much.

  4. #4


    but why buy a X360 when they might more likely buy a PS2 or already have a PS2 or PC for it?

    and 10,000 is very small even for an online game because you have to break that down into periods of the day that they play the game. etc. etc. the results are sketchy but Japanese Xbox360 version buyers might more than likely play PSU on another system cause otherwise their community and people they meet won't even be 1/10 of the other systems.

    of course you only need 1-5 for a party but still, online games like this depend on a healthy community to keep things varied and lively.

  5. #5
    Lancers' Requiem
    Join Date
    May 2006
    North Carolina


    I really hope Sega recognizes this and acts upon it so we all can play together like one big happy family! Well at least with our fellow systems, I don't mind the regional barriers because I don't speak Japanese.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Roffkaiser on 2006-07-31 23:24 ]</font>

  6. #6


    If the game is updated and kept hacked free there will be plenty of US360 player's for this game. Just like when it Pso ep1and2 was released in Easter of 03 for xbox. All of the Apatite was fully and there were plenty of ppl on the other ships as well. Everyone left when they saw absolutly no content for their money and the fact that most ppl had every item in the game in the first 2 months.

    So IMO as long as the game is done right and updated the 360 version of this game will have a large community in its own right.

    I am a kubara product.

  7. #7
    Lancers' Requiem
    Join Date
    May 2006
    North Carolina


    We are referring to the Japanese market and not the American which is what causes the problem of there not being that large of a crowd to pull to the game in the first place.

  8. #8


    I have a few friends in Japan, and they're all telling me the same thing. If anyone there has a 360, it's pretty much certain that they have a PS2 as well, and having a PC on top of it is fact. In Japan, the 360 only caters to the extremely hardcore and/or niche gamers; those that must have all the systems, and the smaller community of people who enjoy first-person shooters. Since the biggest genres in Japan are usually RPGs, and strategy games, both of which the 360 severely lack, there's even less reason for Japanese people to buy an X360 (This is the main reason why the PS2 is killing everything else in sales).

    To get to the point, they're smart enough to know that the 360 version of PSU isn't going to do so hot and get a different version. Besides, at this point, the results will still be onesided seeing that there still is NOT an official release date for the 360 version. If anything, I still think the 360 versions will have a sizeable community of players. It's just that pretty much none of it will fall under Japanese players.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA


    So should they decide not to sell a xbox360 JP version in Japan then?

  10. #10


    There are too many unknown factors present preventing an accurate response as to what should happen. Will the servers be isolated end-of-story? (Seeing as at the moment, nothing regarding that issue is absolutely set in stone) Is there an *appealing* advantage to buying the 360 version over the other 2 versions? Are they even willing to wait even longer for it to release?

    Basically questions like those would need to be answered before anything can be ultimately decided on.

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