Say, this may something that is blatantly obvious to folks, but has anyone noticed that Ragol is actually the planet Earth?

Really. Look at the title shot. That's Africa, titlted on it's side -- you can see the Red Sea, the Nile, Saudia Arabia, Madagascar, etc. The explosion (and consequentially Central Dome) was apparently built somewhere in what would be modern Kenya.

Now, initially, I thought this was a bit odd, and maybe that was the closest bit of clip art they had handy. But then I thought, nah. All this advanced 3d-graphics technology, and they couldn't be bothered to render a custom planet scene? So I'm certain it's intentional.

I'm not very literate on the PS chronology, but I am guessing the original 'humans' in the game series weren't from Earth. If that's the case, could that mean that, according to PSO mythology, Earth was 'seeeded' by the PS "humans"? I'd like to see PSO2 expand on this, if so...