[quote]On 2006-11-28 01:21, Sailor_V_64 wrote:
On 2006-11-28 00:23, ZiG wrote:
You know, my PM has been hit with Megid so many times, I think she likes it, yet she's never been killed by it. Are they immune?

Anyway, yeah, when there are alot of enemies that use projectile/technics, my PM is kinda at a loss, since I'm a ranger and tend to attack from a distance, I never really get close enough for my PM to engage. So said monster shoots some Barta at me, and I move out of the way.... causing my PM to move IN the way, following me like a good little puppy. Hijinks ensue.
I find it hilarious when I kill all the enemies, then my PM runs across the screen, about 10-20" scale past the spot the enemies were, I'm like "thanks a lot, I'm glad I brought you along, I hope you poach my kills in the next room, that's even more fun, you little strike-PM-jerk-ninny..."

additional note: I find it funny that the strike PM uses a hanzo, and I had just synthed one and began using it right before my PM changed, I was like "WTF? Do you copy me sword?!"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Blu_Swade on 2006-11-28 01:46 ]</font>