Hello all, first post on this site...I hope it's a good one! Could use some help if you wouldn't mind indulging me.

Alrighty, to start off, I play on a PC, and PSU is my game. As we all know the PC version of PSU uses "Gameguard" ( Or nProtect ) to connect, and I have never had any problems connecting before. In fact I have a :

CAST 32 RANGER 8 right now.

Anyways. within the last two days I officially cannot connect to gameguard(or nProtect). Yesterday, it downloaded a new file on it's own and it seems as if that new file screwed everything up!

:::: Gamemon.des > is the file name. I tried deleting the file to the recycle bin, but then the program just redownloads it with the same exact problem. This file is the one causing the problems I am positive now.

The game will seem to load fine after gameguard "initiates" ( you know, authenticates checks and such...), but then I get stuck at the black screen before the SEGA logo pops up. Actually, I used to be at that screen for a while before my troubles, but all i had to do was press "ENTER" or "SPACEBAR" and it would "WAKE UP" so to speak and everything would be just peachy. Now, if I hit any keys during the black screen,it just exits the game and usually tells me that gameguard could not load. GAH. This is all new to me, as I have been playing the game for a month now NO problems what so ever! The only thing I have installed since then is a internet filter to block out nastiness. I know that should not be the problem as, after I had installed it, I was still playing PSU fine for days.

This is killing me! Any thoughts on why gameguard all the sudden will not function? And if you do, maybe you have some sort of solution I could take advantage of? Only a few days till update and I am missing valuable play time!

Please no unnecessary spammers/trollers/sarcastic people. Since I have shown you all enough respect to formulate my thoughts into a coherant and well-written post(in the right forum, I might also add...), I hope that you would show me the same respect in answering my query.

Thanks much in advance! Hope to help ya'll out soon!

Darium CX500-H

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Darium on 2006-12-04 16:01 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Darium on 2006-12-04 16:30 ]</font>