Well last night I finally leveled up my force job so that I could go wartecher. Normally I am a LVL 62 Figunner(7).

Wartecher always interested me because of the soloing capabilities. But after I switched I tested the soloing abilities on S ranked missions.

It always seemed to me that to solo as a figunner was extremely hard I think fortefighter can solo better than figunner. Its not impossible but time consuming and expensive. With a wartecher it doesnt compare at how easy it is now. At lvl 1 wartecher i can solo mad creatures in about 25 to 30 min.

Honestly the only thing that i miss about figunner is the lvl 21+ skills. But the I love the bow and the cards that i have access too and i can still use sharp twins and deljagnus. With buffs the damage i deal is not that bad either. By the way my character is human so my tp is pretty high as a wartecher hell its hi as a figunner (not sure why)

In parties i can sustain an entire group of about lvl 60 (my resta is only lvl 5 right now). Just wanted to share this.

Is there any others that have switched from figunner to wartecher what are your thoughts?