*Danger Girl staggers into the room. Her shoulders are slumped, and tears well in her eyes. Her own blood, and the blood from countless enemys covers her face and body. She collapses into a chair and begins to speak:

We may be dying off. Hell we might already be dead. Nearing four-hundred hours now. So far I've got a double saber and s-beats blades to show for it. That's not the tragedy. The sad part is the honest girl will never see the best. The super rares are reserved for the cheaters, thieves, and liars. So be it! I still have my honor, my virtue, my pride. However holding on to it is like holding on to a fistful of sand. You can squeeze with all your strength but you cant stop the grains from slipping between your knuckles. But I swear, I will hold on to that one grain of truth. I will never bow down to the cheats. I will never join their ranks. I will maintain hope that just once...just once, I will get my super rare fairly and honestly! One more run through the ruins...yes just one more run...next time for sure! I just pray they is still a place for the honest player in PSO. Alas I wonder if there is even a place left for the honest player in PSO World....One more run...just one more...

*Danger Girl rises to her feet, staggers forward...then collapses onto the ground in utter exhastion.*