Hey PSO community ^.^ I have an odd question or rather should i say an odd statement for you all. Here goes-

Well after compleating the game, spending lots of time online and generally loving PSO i have come to the following conclusions.

FO type chracters are the best type of characters to play regardless of situation. FOnewn and Fomarl are the two best characters in the FO class. Basically it's an argument between which is better- i realy don't want to get into that right now. Anyways continuing my logical analasis....

FO type characters are weakest from noraml-Vhard modes. HOwever once they have passed this stage of the game (which ironically takes the shortest amount of time) FO's become gods. For example lets take ULT ruins as an example......

At this stage in the game, hunters become overwhelmed by the fast moving and swarming deminions. Hunters do well throughout the game through normal-Vh and possibly the 1st 2 stages in ULT. HOwever after this he becomes outmatched. As you all know in ULT (esp. Runis) The quanity of enemys increases as well as thier speed. If the hunter goes for the sword tech. In the hope of hitting all of his oponents he will be over run quite rapidly, because the cooldown frames of a sword are larger than a saber dagger ext. If the hunter decides to go for a saber or any single enemy attacking device, he sacrifices damage to the group to kill one. The only problem with this is once again the HU get's surrounded in the "circle of death" and gets killed. t.t

As for rangers. The rangers seem to peak later in the game from vhard to ult. But once again in ult they can be overrun. They have a slightly better chance if they are using the snow queen for obvious reasons lol. however they can still experience problems because of the sheer amount of enemy units and the speed at which they move (in the later stages of (ULT mode). Even with the Snow queen Mild Guila combo the ranger can still become overrun quite rapidly. However he does have a significant adv. compared to the hunters.

Ok and now onto the FO. The FO do terrible in normal all they way through to Vhard. They only become "good" Near the end of Vhard mode going into ult. Before this time a single trap can kil them, they become extreamly expensive and genreally are a pain. However once you plateu nothing can stop you. For example lets take ULT ruins. If i use deband on myself and lets say im a lv. 134 Fonwearl i can NULIFY every single attack brought against my (expet for death bringers) wow. Who cares about a low HP or no DEF when i have Deband??? Deminions claws ext just cannot do squat. And even if i am being hit, i can still zalure for even greater effect. I can never be knocked down, so i am safe. Now on to attacking the huge swarm of guys....Well i have whatever i need at my disposal. High lv. RA spells turn anything to dust. One spell hits everyone in the room for significant amounts of damage. And the best part is i can be running a way while doing all of this. It takes seconds to cast RAfoie. Not to mention that if i am injured (somehow) i can resta, i can bring people back from the dead, and fix any adverse effect with anti. (minus paralasis if it's on my self lol) Other than that i have no problems.

On to PKing. Which i have to admit is really fun. Fo's once again have the edge because of deband and zalure. A hunter cannot even scratch me, I can strike you with zonde from rooms away, megid kills quite easily......FO's just become unstoppable.

Having played through the game and achived a lv. 200 FOnwearl with aroura shield, and psycho wand (no it wasn't hacked) i feel that i have a good grasp of what im talking about. However perhaps i don't, and i am going to be starting a new FO on PSOBB. I was just wondering from the community if any of my thoughts are missplaced, or if im totally wrong. Thanks for all of your help (and sorry about the long post)