On 2008-01-31 05:48, chu-chu-chu wrote:

This is the siliest!?

He admits that he broke the ToS, but, LOL, ONLY twice. I mean, he dint need more than 200 grinders. HAHAA.

Breaking a contract twice isnt ok just because other people are breaking it more than twice.

LOL. Cheetah!
Yah, but he ONLY did it twice. I mean, it's not like he "OMGHAXED LOL BWAHAHAHAHAH!" the servers, all he did was make some grinders and yeah, it's glitching but he only did it twice so he should be OK, three strikes and your out but he has only TWO strikes! I think if he did it three times than he should be banned (for, like a couple hours lol!) but because he only did it twice hes OK. But I guess not. Its almost as if the GM's don't want you cheating at ALL! If that was the case than they should have banned ALL of the people who ever did this back when they were doing it and not have waited untill now when eveyone now knows about it and is abusing it MORE THAN TWICE!!!