Quote Originally Posted by silverfur View Post
First of all, I barely know PSU, I don't really like the game. Second, you cannot use the terms from PSO or PSU to describe stuff from the old games, they aren't even the same thing. I would call Rudo a Hunter in PSO, Not a Ranger.
This has already been explained several times in this thread.

Quote Originally Posted by Sinue_v2 View Post
A Hunter in Phantasy Star classic is a generic term for a freelance mercenary who tracked down and eliminated Biomonsters. Weapon types and skills don't matter. They formed a guild to assist and police each other by PSIV's time. Even in PSO, even though you were a Ranger, you were still considered a Hunter - and reported to the Hunter's Guild.
Quote Originally Posted by HUnewearl_Meira View Post
The character info display on PSII listed a Profession-- this is not to be confused with a Class. Characters in PSII, and indeed, generally in most RPGs lacking character customization, did not have Classes. Consider that Nei's Profession was listed as "None".
Quote Originally Posted by Zorafim View Post
The hunters, rangers, etc. you see in the old games don't mean what weapons they're good at, but rather what professions each character had. Notice there's no agent job in PSO, nor a force job in PSII. It's simply what the character did before joining your group.
If this has managed to go over your head so thoroughly thus far, I will attempt to clarify it: Rudo is a "Hunter" by profession. It explains what he does to earn his money-- not the way he goes about performing his commission. He is a Hunter in the precise sense that RAmars and FOnewearls are Hunters, despite being Rangers and Forces, respectively. They are generically Hunters by profession, but not necessarily by specialty. They are Hunters in the sense that they take a commission to perform tasks asked of them by clients, in the case of PSO and PSIV, as organized by the Hunters' Guild.

In terms of specialties, a Hunter-type in Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe, is defined by being a melee specialist. They use swords, sabers, daggers, claws and whatever other close-range weapons may be included in the game. They specialize in these things. A Force in these games, is defined by their use of Techniques as a primary means of attack. A Ranger-type, is defined by having a specialty in Guns. I cannot emphasize this enough: Hunter, Ranger and Force in this context are specialties, not professions. In PSO, all three fall under Hunter as a Profession, but not as a Specialty. This means that in PSO, all Rangers are Hunters. In short: A Ranger is a type of Hunter. To state it in classical logic, a Ranger is necessarily a Hunter, but a Hunter is not necessarily a Ranger.