i dont want to offend anyone (especially any Forces out there) but someone possibly from our very own PSOW needs an attitude adjustment. Just today online I was playing with 2 other hunters and a force. I coplemented on the other hunters swords adn the force started sying that we should create a ranger or something because hunters were stupid. Then he goes on to say that forces are the hardest to use and level. I got POed at him and told him that forces are perhaps the easiest to raise because all you have to do is hit everyone on the screen wiht foie once and you already have half of the experience. Next thing i know, he starts ranting about how i was typing in caps. Just because some people have keyboards doesn't mean everyone has them and does not mean that you get to deduct IQ points just because they dont feel like dishing out $70 for one. When ever I use the onscreen keyboard I use all capital letters because of a very logical reason, it cuts down on typing time because you dont have to move the cursor as far to get to the letter you want. Please tell me if anyone else does the same or agrees with the above complaint.