Hi guys, There's alot of rust on my PSU skills.
I just came back today to the game, new content is available and i'm looking foward to it.

But the point of this thread is that i'm worried about my progression.

I'm a Human LV93, Wartecher lvl 15,
I have few S type items.. such as my twin claws, dagger, and wands. But their nothing out of this world.. they're like 30%, 3/10 for the most part.

I gotta say i'm a little bit lost. I have alot of grinding to do to get back on track. most people I've come across are lvl 120 and more. My job is still at lvl 15.

What's the best thing to do in my case ?
I need money too, I have 1.5 mill..
20 pa fragments.
Lots of mats in my store.

What should I aim at frist ? wich runs ?
What's a good way to make money ?

I feel like i'm late on my progression.
any tips from the vets would be appreciated.