I remember there where Agitos of different years and what not in PSO. Now the agito repca is obviously a replica of one of the agitos (duh) but its not the real one.....my thought was this.....what if they brought out "agito" Like the real one(or one of them).....It would be kinda wierd....since Kubara in a sense is the illegal version of the real thing. but stuff from PSO that comes to PSU are kubara anyway.....So its like a illegal copy(agito repca) of an illegal copy(agito)

It might sound stupid but i kinda thought it would be kinda funny to see that. bcuz you would think that an "Agito would be GRM.....and the agito repca is the kubara version.....but wait.....Agito came from PSO so its automatically kubara :P

I cant recall if any of the agitos where replicas or not :-S