The Conduit

I was going to wait on this until it hit budget prices, but I figured I'm always telling people they need to support core games on the Wii, so I put my money where my mouth is.

Eh. The Conduit is a bland game built on a fairly impressive engine. The design is what's really holding it back. I beat the single-player in about a weekend, and have since gone back to it one or two more times. There are some fun moments when everything just clicks and it's great, but then there are the times when enemies just stare at you and you go to scratch your neck but accidentally throw a grenade at your feet (which admittedly, was hilarious in retrospect.)

The multiplayer has its moments, but seeing as I could just as easily play Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3 on my Xbox, it's not really worth playing too much.

I probably should have saved my money for Little King's Story.

Phantasy Star 0

It's like Phantasy Star Online! But I can be a HUnewm! And there's more of a story (or at least more of a focus), but you can also skip it if you want!

But there's also all this squiggly text and I don't know what these people are saying to me.


It was only 5 bucks but I can't beat it, dammit. Also, I only played it twice so far, so I know have to keep trying.

Still - nothing as disappointing as NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams! (I actually came across NiGHTS:JoD the other day while looking for a DVD and was completely surprised - I had forgotten that I owned the game. If only that was true.)