This article really eased my concerns with the whole GC system.

-In order to repair a broken weapon, it must be at its maximum possible grind level (2/2 or 5/5, for example).

Lets say your SN/G is 4/4... to get its Grinds back to your paying 1400 GC. BUT you can only fix a grind if the weapon is Max(I.E. you fix 4/4 to 4/5 then grind it to 5.) You STILL haveto grind it to the next stage before upgrading. The other option for grind is;

-Paying GC to upgrade a weapon(Limit is 8/X)

Lets use the same SN/G from before. To Guarantee the weapon doesnt break you use the Grinding the weapon. to get it 8/X you pay 610 GC. So You've payed to get that 4/4 SN/G to 8/8 SN/G; 1110 GC. Since you cant go higher then 8 when upgrading a grind. you can the next 300 GC to make it 8/9 and try your luck going 8/9 to 9/9. If it breaks? your weapon is now 0/8 and you can either throw a lil hissy fit or pay 710 GC to get it from 0/8 to 8/8. Then try your luck again.

Notice how you can really get screwed big time here? Lets say 5 dollars pays for 500 GC the SN/G to get 8/8 in the method explained about would be 15 dollars(1110 is over 1000 making you purchase another 500 GC) And if it breaks going 8->9 your money is wasted.

All of that is for ONE weapon. Imagine how much it would cost to get a full 8/8 pallete?

Also for increasing the % on your weapon... If you have a 20% Repca and want a 40%...

Weapon % upgrading is as follows:

from 0%-10% to increase your weapons % by 1% is 5GC
from 10%-20% to increase your weapons % by 1% is 10GC
from 20%-30% to increase your weapons % by 1% is 20GC
from 30%-40% to increase your weapons % by 1% is 40GC

so to get your 20% Repca to 40% will be 800GC. so at $5 per 500GC your weapon will cost $10 to make from 20% to 40%.

Again for ONE weapon. In the end you could in essense be spending ridiculous amounts of hard earned money to increase 1 weapon or more. It'll always vary from person to person, so really what economy would be hurt?

Probably the price for 30%s would go down because of its cheaper to increase a 30% to 40 rather then a 20%. In retrospect most weapon drops at 20% in or around anyway. Guns/Techs 8/8 would go down in price but ultimately 9/9 10/10 shouldnt change because its still the same luck to go 8-9 then 9-10 in reality.