"I'm sorry." The newman girl murmered to the older gentlemen as he adjusted his hat. Keeping a closer distance to her. "I- I kind of still hurt a bit from the crash i guess." She had a wobble in her knee as she walked down the path.

She took note of the irritation in Rick's walk, having to handle with this crowd of people he had no contact with before. She knows the feeling quite well, she never really left her own confides much as it was, and being surrounded by so many unique looking people was also building up her anxieties.

"Wonder if they made a plan or decided on a leader yet?” She heard the spiked hair gentlemen ponder. She wonders if she is even able to deal with all these people just yet, or will she get overpowered by her anxieties again. She just stayed closer to Rick as he travelled down the path. He never replied to her comment. He seemed rather bothered about the prediciment of being stranded with a bunch of maniacs.