This is one situation where PSO can take ques from Monster Hunter. MH's boss fights were absolutely amazing.

And this looked like it favored an MH battle.

For once, it looks like a PSO boss with some better programming and animations to boot. The fight takes place on a big field, at first it looks like close range and then he goes out to the big field. I dunno if it's supposed to be like that, but it was neat.

I was honestly surprised to see the dragon go underground, i did not think they would do that with an enemy that size. I was also surprised to see him actually fly. It looked like he was just gonna jump around. I like how he came out the ground powered up from the lava!

The ONLY thing i was sad about was the fact that he didn't go underground and then chase you. It looked like they were setting up for that when the dragon flees to the huge part of the arena. He DID finally fly and start attacking in the air, but i was sooo waiting for that spiral dive into the ground with his desperation attack.

Im fucking excited for the other bosses in the game now. I hope they get REAL creative with the environments and desperation attacks. I wanna get surprised! I want a shock like the first time i saw the Gol Dragon go underground, expecting a chase attack, and instead got shadowclones X_X