We have the FAQ, even what Mags yield which blast (which I'm also suggesting *may* not be complete, see my other thread on digging deep).. but not what each blast does!

I personally haven't tried trading my Mags to other classes at critical points, nor weaning mine to make sure I tag certain Mag names for blasts.. but I'm thinking about doing that very thing with 6 Mags bored in the bank. So with a goal to make the FAQ more complete while becoming a better Mag farmer I'm asking for everyone's help.

I'm at work and off-hand I really only know Terra Prime's results, but I'm guessing this could be finished very quickly with help. If you have a blast not listed.. ADD IT! and tell us what it does. Or if you note a Mag having a Photon charge that isn't already listed as such in the FAQ - I'm going from the list from it here.

Photon Blasts (see faq for mag matchup)
Maira&Yuura - Deband and Shifta (self)
Reira - Complete heal (self)

As you can see, the Forces list.. is.. well.. iffy. Since the mags can do Maira&Yuura for free for boss fights, and complete heal is simply a resta or 'mate click away.. these particular ones are of debatable usefulness. Of course since we area nuke one can argue those are two.. chuckles.. anyways a full list would better serve all of us Mag curious out there. I'm sure every class might enjoy this, indeed the androids might be quite happy with a long lasting shifta/deband buff NOT tied to boss fights alone, or a free complete heal every photon charge-up where they can reach it quicker than pretty much any class, while I find them disappointing as a FOmarl.
