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  1. #11
    Battle Maiden of Ragol Lady Nadia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    definitely an interesting idea but keeping any 1 weapon thats not so good alive for a certain amount of kills is not an easy feat especially when playing pvp. this is especially going to be difficult for a low class wep that is going to be a big kill target. not a bad idea though but id say a maximum of maybe 3-5 kills to get that evolve. im assuming ur allowing any weapon, tech, or action card to count as kills for this as long as the lame'd is equipped like how it works in psobb? im definitely a big fan of the tellusis and excal link though. i personally recommend just making them 2 seperate cards and keeping them in sync with their psobb counterparts since ep3 in general does a pretty dam good job of doing this. i like how u did the stats and abilities on the excal, but to kinda keep it in sync i was thinking u culd just make it a good weapon and give it steady damage or something to match its hp rape in bb. if u were to do the evolve thing tho id say theres no reason to have to gimp the lamed all that much really and just make it reasonable for its cost. your opponent/s knowing what the card does r going to make it a huge must kill target before it evolves as is. since excal is a steady damage weapon technically u can buff it up a bit more than the lame and keep it the same cost on evolve due to it being a hp draining weapon since most if not all steady damage weapons are buffed up quite a bit more than other items of the same cost. 5 cost is definitely good cost. keeps it from being paired with things like god shield genbu til u get the evolve. make tellusis 2 cost tho so can still equip a 2nd weapon!!!
    Last edited by Lady Nadia; Apr 20, 2012 at 02:29 PM.
    Ep3 - Nadia 381 Hunewearl, W-4782 L-191, King 32.
    Ep1&2 - Rika 200 Hunewearl, Sophia 200 Racaseal.
    BB - Nei Chan 200 Hunewearl.

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