Hi everyone, Oxyde speaking here, a new member on these boards, aswell as a PSO lover!
I will start by saying that this site is a gold mine for informations about this old, yet fantastic game.

I got back into PSO recently after retrieving the disc along with a memory card, unfortunately my older characters were gone ( Cheers lvl 134 HUnewearl... ). I went back and played for 15 hours already, levelling up to 24 using a FOnewearl.
I'm at that point where I am going to fight Dark Falz and ready to roll up again in Hard Mode.

My question(s) so to speak is/are: Where should I start to look for Rare items within offline quests? Which secrets do these missions hold and what can I expact of finding these secrets?
I know it might not be clear, but what I'm asking, which missions do have secret sub-quests and what to do there?

Couple more things, I know the official servers died ages ago, and it seems to be a hot topic here. My question is: Do some of you still (regularly) play online on private servers?

Any answer is appreciated!